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Lee is pretty good but I think Lincecum is better. This was the game everyone wanted to see in game 1, but I think this was even better than expected. Man the Giants pitched well...

Giants had the three best pitched games the Rangers saw this post season...and they saw some good pitchers. The kid lefty, Cain and Lincecum threw 3 gems that would beat any team in the league.

Best team won.
Well congratulations, Giants. They have a lot of guys I really like so this doesn't bother me that much. One of my pet peaves did surfaced when the on the field guy asked Posey, " How much better was Tim L. than ever before?" Just once I'd like a guy to answer this stupidly phrased question, " Well he was approximately 4.47% better than ever before!" Oh well, good game, good guys won.
Years ago MANY!!!, as a pre-teen, i used to travel from the Bronx , NY to Alameda County, Ca to play summer ball with my cousins.- all summer!

All summer of watching them getting their hopes up with Marichal, Bonds, Cepeda, McCovey and company... and then the other shoe would fall.

their sad faces delivering their newspapers on their bikes with headlines that often taunted them with KOUFAX BEATS GIANTS

So... now those cousins are in their late 50's or early 60s and out of touch with me...

Wherever you may be -Tommy, Billy,, Congrats!! Your Boys finally got it done for ya!

Your cuz
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
The kid lefty, Cain and Lincecum threw 3 gems that would beat any team in the league.

Didn't they do that to get to the WS? Smile

Really good drafting, but more impressive was really good acquiring of those castoffs. Great chemistry (and kharma) came together with all of those decisions.

Good job Giants, you made the NL proud!
Last edited by TPM
Happy Torture...and simply a magical run...young pitchers, and a "castoff of characters"...worrysome little offense all year...very shaky middle relief...only 37 days in first place (least of any playoff team)...make up 10 games in August/Sept...a win on the last day of the season to squeak in...counted out by virtually every pundit every series, even the bay area media...underdogs to run games to win...Big underdogs to run games to win...Big underdogs to Texas...and then this with contributions from all...then the win and they all made a point to reference past Giants...pretty cool. IMO, Giant fan or not, this is a pretty remarkable sports story.


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