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I'm working on the playlist for our Valentine's Day home opener! Yay! IMO there is some pretty good new music out there.

I found some new songs that I thought I would share for the other PA announcers out there.

Get Ready for the Smackdown Love this. Old school rock 'n' roll!

For the Love of the Game Bang your head!

The House Rules The singer is the guy on Leverage who beats guys up. Country, but with a Southern Rock feel.

Planetary (Go!) Process the prowess! (There is a "clean" version on iTunes)

I found all these at ESPN music. I'm looking forward to listening to what they've posted for the X-games.
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A little off topic 2Bmom, I apologize. But your topic made me wonder and ask the question, What does a walk up song by either pitcher or batter say about the individual, if anything. This is my sons song which is pretty aggressive, just the opposite of his personality. He is a closer, so maybe between the lines personalities change. Just a fun thought. Smile
Posted January 28, 2011 12:02 PM Hide Post
Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
A little off topic 2Bmom, I apologize. But your topic made me wonder and ask the question, What does a walk up song by either pitcher or batter say about the individual, if anything. This is my sons song which is pretty aggressive, just the opposite of his personality. He is a closer, so maybe between the lines personalities change. Just a fun thought.

Whatever it says it's just the first seconds of a walk-up song for a batter that's ever going to be heard anyway. Most kids select their song by what the intro sounds like. Now a warm up song for a pitcher is different. You get a pretty good chunk of the song in. For my kid this song is more to pump him up while he's first toeing the rubber than it is to send anybody a message.

2Bmom - great songs. I'm going to check that site out and recommend these to our pressbox crew so they can replace some of the tired ones they've had for years. Thanks!
Danny, I'm really not sure anyone but the batter really listens to the walk-up songs. I'm at work so can't listen to your son's song right now, but will definitely do so this weekend! I'm looking forward to it.

2B's song is "Winning is Done" by Young Ray. Most of our guys songs, in fact all, are hip hop. Perhaps our most seemingly mild-mannered player, who wears #1, has as his song "No. 1" by Nelly. We've got some 50 cent, TI, Lil' Wayne. I warn them that if they send me something with an F bomb, I'll play the Oompa Loompa song instead. Big Grin

You guys made me think - I should ask our pitchers if they have a warm-up song that they want. Great idea - thanks!

WinBuc, yes there are some tired old songs out there! Fortunately, our coach likes to have the house bumpin'! Big Grin
Originally posted by 2Bmom:

2B's song is "Winning is Done" by Young Ray. Most of our guys songs, in fact all, are hip hop. Perhaps our most seemingly mild-mannered player, who wears #1, has as his song "No. 1" by Nelly. We've got some 50 cent, TI, Lil' Wayne. I warn them that if they send me something with an F bomb, I'll play the Oompa Loompa song instead. Big Grin

Big Grin

lol...once, our coaches let the seniors pick out a freshman's walk-up song if he ever got to bat. Pretty darn embarrassing walking up to Sponge Bob!
Aw that's brutal - Spongebob. How do you hit when you know in the back of your mind you just walked up to the plate with that playing and the entire dugout laughing their head off???

I'm partial to rock music and try to convince the guys to not listen to any rap because I hate it. The only rule I have is that there better not be any cussing in the song at all.
Another insult song I've heard the CNU upper classmen pick for the frosh, "It's Raining Men".

I have over 300 songs that I use for our high school games, and will use for our VBL season this summer, but THE most requested song..and yes it is real:

"I Met My Baby in the Porta-John Line" by Nothing Fancy (It's hilarious blue grass)
Here's another one - absolutely love this.

Howlin' for You - the Black Keys

I heard an interview with them on NPR, and they said that their inspiration was not Howlin' Wolf, but Gary Glitter! And it does sound like that old Gary Glitter song. I can't wait to break this out between innings tonight!

I remember reading one of the game music threads on the HSBBW a good while back. If I remember correctly, a teammate of one of the poster's sons, a college player, didn't think he'd get much playing time, so chose the Pina Colada song. One thing lead to another, and he was in the starting lineup, with the same song, almost all season!
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Just added to the playlist:
Thousand Foot Krutch - Fire It Up!

Also, 2B showed me how to convert youtube videos from youtube to mp3, and then how to cut mp3s so that you can get short movie clips. You use this freeware:
youtube to mp3
and mptrim

So far I've got short clips from The Sandlot, Blades of Glory, The Waterboy, and Talladega Nights. I'm trying to find some from my favorite baseball movies (Bull Durham and A League of Their own) that aren't laced with profanity. I've emailed our coach to see if he'll let me use them at our next home game.

Shake 'n' Bake!
No - sorry if I left that impression. I wish they did! Then I'd get some Leslie Nielsen from The Naked Gun!

I'll just play audio clips. Everything's on my iPod. For instance, on the Shake 'n' Bake clip, I fade in when Carl Naughton, Jr., says "I've got something to tell him," and then once you hear him whisper "Shake and bake!" twice, I fade it out. It's pretty funny.

"That just happened." LOL!
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Ha, I know the fields are nice down there. I had visions of fans in Hawaiian shirts watching AXE commercials between innings.

LOL! Smile I wish. You'll definitely see shorts and flip flops in February. At least that's what I'll be wearing!

No local TV or webcast. Every now and then there is a radio broadcast. The facilities are pretty old, but the boys and some parents work hard to keep it in decent repair. Actually the field itself is not bad at all. We share it with football, but fortunately a local landscaping company donates a lot of time and effort to keep the grass and dirt looking pretty good. Opposing teams hate playing there because there is an uphill slope in right field that they have to deal with. Here are a couple of pictures from last year's Senior Night. 2B looks so young! He is the one in the middle in the first picture, and the one on the far right in the second picture. #5. He is now as tall as #24, but will never be as tall as #22!

This is the press box. You can see 2Bdad and me up there, and the third guy is from a Florida prep sports organization that does the radio broadcasts. My husband and I donated some new speakers this year so the sound is pretty good.

In this shot, you can see the hill in RF.

And coach said I could use the clips. Smile We're going to have fun at our home game on Friday. We play the team that we beat for the District championship last year.
Last edited by 2Bmom
[QUOTE]Originally posted by coach2709:
Aw that's brutal - Spongebob. How do you hit when you know in the back of your mind you just walked up to the plate with that playing and the entire dugout laughing their head off???

So we are having 1st scrimmage this week and a bunch of kids didn't bother sending their songs in...what they don't know is that if they didn't send one in, they are getting Hannah Montana or High School Musical!!
Thank you piaa_ump. It really is a nice field. Smile
AntzDad, thank you as well. We just love doing it. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself next year! I'm going to have to get a hobby!

Score101, you bet. All the gory details will be in the High School Season thread. Let us know what your son is up to this season, too!

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