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We prepare our team to play the game. Throw strikes make the routine plays. Hit your cut off's defend the bunt execute bunt offense. Defend the 1st and third and execute the 1st and 3rd offense. In other words we prepare our team. There are certain teams that like to bunt alot etc so you might put a little more emphasis on that in practice the day before you play them. We could carelss about stats. They are basically meaningless. Who keeps them? How do they keep them? What was the quality of the competition they got those stats against? Too many variables to really concern yourself with them. When we get to the playoffs we will get detailed scouting reports on hitters from other coaches we know but their stats are not important. Some kids get all their stats off poor pitchers and K against the quality pitching. I want to know who the kids are that mash the good pitching.
yep, stat sheets don't mean much in high school where you play so few games agaisnt such a variety of pitching (poor to outstanding).
For the most part I've got a pretty good inkling that other coach isn't going to put his best hitter in the 8 hole...
You get to know your league pretty well, but more by seeing what they do than looking at any kind of statistic.
We do have a pretty good idea of the 1st and 3rd stuff our opponents use (unless they have a new coach) because i've been around forever and seen all these guys, and coached some of them in my area)...
We also try to get an idea of who most likely will run by seeing what they did in jv or you can get this by asking the kids; they know those guys or remember who can fly or who can't from some 8th grade track meet or summer games...
But the main question; to get them ready for a game, is the same as any game; throw strikes; field the baseball; leave the crummy pitches alone and crush the good ones.
We (travel) play our game. If we personally know of, or recognize in pregame or during the game, something that can be exploited or a strength, we'll adjust based on game circumstances.

Most sets of last year's stats are too small to utilize as trends. Or they're not real. Lot's of scorekeepers are partial to their team and/or stats get fudged after the fact.

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