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For those that spend time listening to your players games on the internet do you have any special thing that you do to bring the team and your player good luck? A friend of mine tells me he has a bit of voodoo ritual that goes on before each game. Wink

Or if you go to games, anything special you do for each game (lucky hat, lucky shirt, drive the same way to the field, eat teh same food, etc)?
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I am ashamed to admit it, but in this enlightened day and age, I am one of the most supersticious and paranoid people you will find when it comes to baseball Smile

To answer the question, I will tend to change my seat location in the house while listening to a game. Thus, if a base hit is had while I am in one place, I'll stay there until the luck runs out. I am not a slave to supersticion but I am not immune to it either Smile Baseball will do that to you Big Grin
I personally think it is ridiculous...but have observed a multitude of people doing "their superstitious things". What I don't get is this...sooner or later team is gonna whatever it is they "do" ...didn't "do it"! I have also observed a college coach take it to new and even greater heights of silliness. I know many of your players have little things they jump over the base lines, etc...and I say "to each his own". In the long run it does not hurt anyone...I guess if the believe in it enough it might give them that "mind game edge".
When my guy was playing there were no rituals when his game was on the internet other than for me to be at the computer

In fact all during his career I never had rituals on ther field or off other than to be there and support him and his team

My stepson who coaches for us, he is 27, has all kinds of rituals but then again he is a left handed pitcher===
I hear ya! Most likely if the parent has rituals the player will too.
This past week-end...the very superstitious coach, very stupidly walked (too closely) behind an on-deck player...bat swing knocked off coaches hat (he was fortunate that was all that was knocked off) hat flew off, out floats his "lucky dollar bill". Now, if I believed in luck, I'd say that bill helped his noggin out...but it was bottom of 9th we were ahead 4-1...after he made his way over to 3rd base, he watched other team beat us.
Did he "use up" all that dollar's luck on his life?
Big Grin
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
To answer the question, I will tend to change my seat location in the house while listening to a game. Thus, if a base hit is had while I am in one place, I'll stay there until the luck runs out.

Let me get this straight change your seat location after each hit? You actually get up and move your seat throughout the house? I've seen your easy chair and you're faced with a strenuous chore after each hit. What does your chair weigh CD...a half ton or so? And I noticed you pulled that tag off..."Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law". I always thought those laws pertained to upholstered items, but this law apparently includes other materials as well...the law is cast in stone. Your luck may have run out on the lookout for the KeyStone Kops. Don't take it for granite that they won't catch up with you.

Of course, with all of that exercise you get during the baseball season you have managed to keep yourself rather trim and fit. And you know CD...if you had a cupholder on that chair you wouldn't have to beckon others constantly for a sip. And the scene in the background...I had no idea that Shaker Heights was so lofty...some of it is actually above the treeline. And the LaBrea tarpits...I mean the Berea oilfields must be gushing these days!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Superstitions can be pretty funny and affect most everyone. Last night my team was playing the number four team in the state. As the game went on and we kept in it I noticed our players on the bench and the parents in the stands doing certain things over and over.

In our dugout when we were in the field the bench players kept saying "get back in the seat you had and don't move" or wear their hat a certain way.

The mom of our pitcher told me after the game she would keep her hands in a certain position during certain times - I really don't remember what she said.

I am pretty sure it worked because we pulled the upset and beat them 3 - 2.
You don't mess with it?
This things are put in place for a reason.

You never ever mention that the pitcher is throwing a no hitter.
Are that the batter only needs a single for the cycle.
Never mess with the lines.

I always visualize what the batter is going to hit.
And try to use my ESP to project that into the Radio or Internet.
Call me crazy, But I've won a few games that way??
Baseball is a strange game where "other stuff" can affect the game. Like everyone has already said but to add to it -

When a sub enters the game the first ball put into play is to them.

No matter what the score is if you put the equipment up before the last out is made you will lose the game.

Cannot talk to the guy throwing the no no.
Can we all at least agree on certain absolutes (some parent/some players and coaches?

1. Never step on the 1st or 3rd baseline
2. Never mention a chance for a no hitter
3. Never mention the chance for hitting for the cycle
4. Never/ever pack the equipment before the game is over
5. Always stay away from negative vibe people
6. Always be positive minded
7. Never wear a shirt that resembles the opposing teams colors
8. Always give thanks to our good Lord for the game of baseball
Oh my son can tell you "I" am PERSONALLY responsible for anything good that happens to him or his teams! Big Grin And I work hard at it to assure that outcome! Big Grin

I've been known to sit in the same seat if it is going well...or move to another when it isn't.

I've been known to wear my sunglasses til 10 p.m. at night if my son gets a hit when there is still sun shining on the stadium.

I've been known to take off a piece of jewelry to break a bad chain of events.

My current "routine" is to NOT hold the scoring sheet when son is at bat. To sit with my hands on each leg and legs are NOT crossed. To slightly slouch to my left when son is at bat! And to yell "Look for one to drive Bub!" as he gets into the box. Big Grin Of course, that could all change with a bad outing! Roll Eyes Last weekend, my 9 year old daughter was bouncing a ball off the brick wall when son hit a triple...guess what she HAD to do during each subsequent at bat????? LOL By the way, hubby is ALMOST as bad....we haven't sat together at a game the entire season so as not to jinx things!

Yes, I'm DEFINETLY a slave to superstition when it comes to baseball!
Last edited by luvbb
Originally posted by luvbb:
Oh my son can tell you "I" am PERSONALLY responsible for anything good that happens to him or his teams! Big Grin And I work hard at it to assure that outcome! Big Grin

I've been known to sit in the same seat if it is going well...or move to another when it isn't.

I've been known to wear my sunglasses til 10 p.m. at night if my son gets a hit when there is still sun shining on the stadium.

I've been known to take off a piece of jewelry to break a bad chain of events.

My current "routine" is to NOT hold the scoring sheet when son is at bat. To sit with my hands on each leg and legs are NOT crossed. To slightly slouch to my left when son is at bat! And to yell "Look for one to drive Bub!" as he gets into the box. Big Grin Of course, that could all change with a bad outing! Roll Eyes Last weekend, my 9 year old daughter was bouncing a ball off the brick wall when son hit a triple...guess what she HAD to do during each subsequent at bat????? LOL By the way, hubby is ALMOST as bad....we haven't sat together at a game the entire season so as not to jinx things!

Yes, I'm DEFINETLY a slave to superstition when it comes to baseball!

luvbb - that is one of the most hilarious posts I have ever read

You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes Big Grin
CatSureMom ...

undetected (by Mom) in the bottom of an equipment box for 14 years!

No CSI there, that is a Cold Case piece of evidence if I ever read one. Can they still detect DNA 14 years later?

Hubby has one when listening to son pitch over the internet ... whether starting a game or relieving ... gets sunflower seeds out and one particular plastic tumbler that he uses as a spit cup. He can go an entire game without the seeds if son is in bullpen but once he hears that son is coming into the game, the seeds are out. I have found the shells to those seeds in very very strange places around our house.

Of course I have absolutely NO superstitions or rituals unless talking to the monitor counts angry

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