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We did this 3-4 days a week through many Kansas City winters. We used a propane heater, like the kind you see at construction sites, to pre-heat the garage and then turn the heater off. We tried to get the place near 50F before we'd turn off the space heater.

When it was under 20F that was never really enough. And its hard to "embrace" the garage cage when the temp is closer to 40F than 50F. Sometimes, when HaverMom was away, we'd open the garage door to the house and certainly contributed to global warming.

Fortunately, the back side of our fireplace faced the garage and we'd get the cooking for several hours which provided great secondary heat.

You really need strong lighting to do this, so the most inefficient floodlights you can find will contribute radiant heat.

Plus, as you are in a place where its cold enough to be doing this, the best possible layered sports clothing will also be useful when he does get outside.

If you want it consistently warm and safe, electric space heaters might work, assuming your breaker panel could handle it, but I expect you'd need way too many.

The garage is also a place to shoot video. So once a week or so, we'd shoot video, go inside for a warm drink and watch the video while we re-heated the garage.

Finally, on a motivational note, while its good to have a thermometer to know when to start, its not good to have the thermometer in your face the whole time.
Last edited by HaverDad

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