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For anyone who has a 13yo and is looking for a team I would recommend you looking in to this opportunity. I have made a TON of bad decisions in my son's baseball life but I can honestly tell you that letting him play for Coach Perry for two years is, without a doubt, the best thing we have ever done.

Coach Perry will influence your son not only on the field but in everyday life. For example, we have not done one load of my son's laundry since he was 13 years old. You do have to be dedicated though. If you cannot, it is not the right team for you. It's funny at first when he tells the parents about the practice schedule and you hear parents complaining that it is too much. Then you see the same parents when the season is over not wanting to stop practicing.

This year, I was in the stands talking to some parents about the Cubs and two or three parents were saying that it was too mouch practice and the kids don't have a life. I told them of a conversation that my son and I had on the way to a recent tournament. I had asked my son if Coach Perry were to call you up and tell you that he was putting together an 18u team, would you go? He said without a doubt, 100%, yes! I told them in those two years my son's grades were better than they have ever been. I also told them at one point during my son's freshman year he had to write a paper about a person (other than a parent) who has played a major impact in his life. Without batting an eye he chose Jim Perry.

As you can tell, I have a lot of respect for Coach Perry and how he molds his players. He teaches his players the right way to play the game.
I will echo the praise for Mr Perry and the Cubs.

Olddude's youngest son has played for the Cubs the past 2 years. One of the parents was telling a story in connection with the Cubs trip to Puerto Rico this summer that says it all. The parents in question were having to fly on a separate flight to San Juan for a number of reasons. As a result they wanted to make sure wills, etc were in order just because. As part of that conversation with their son/player they needed to talk about who their son would live with if something happened to them. The boy looked his momma in the eye and said "Do you think I could live with Coach Perry?" Enough said.

Yes they practice a lot. No, its not for everyone but they boys love doing it and can't wait to get back on the field every day.

Its been a blessing.
Just going to give my little 2 cents on what Coach Perry did for me the 2 years i played on the Cubs. When I tried out, i was maybe the worst player out there, but he decided to take me because of my size and speed. through all the fall and winter practices, he taught me so much about the game. he taught meeverything I know about baseball. No matter how much i thank him, it is never enough. He is the greatest man that I have ever met and will carry what he has done for me forever.

P.S. the only think he did't teach me was to do my own laundry.
Same for my son, you see we were always on one of the top select teams around since my son was 7yrs old and we got so tired of the politics of the top teams we decided to "break away" from everyone. Those were the best two yrs my son had playing and I enjoyed them also helping Jim coach the teams.It boosted on to bigger things for my son, and i tell you what if someone compiled a list of "graduates" that played for Jim, folks would be amazed at how many young men he influenced. I just wish someone with the Dallas Morning News would do a article on Jim. He is a great role model and coach,and he does this because he LOVES TEACHING THE GAME OF BASEBALL and not trying make money off the game.

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