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My son recently pitched in a HS game that had quite a few scouts there to scout a player on the team we were playing. One of the scouts came up to me after the game and complimented my son. He said he is a good looking Soph on the way to D1 and that, at this point, he just needs to work on his "gather and tempo". It was not the right venue to ask exactly what he meant 

Hoping people on this sight can give me some insight. 



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With all due respect it was the right venue to ask what he meant.  If a scout comes up to you and compliments your son that is a good thing.  If he says something that can help him get better then he probably has no problem with you looking for clarification.

Gather and tempo could be a lot of things but my guess is your son was either way too fast or way too slow.  How long was he taking between pitches?  

Baseball-Dad posted:

My son recently pitched in a HS game that had quite a few scouts there to scout a player on the team we were playing. One of the scouts came up to me after the game and complimented my son. He said he is a good looking Soph on the way to D1 and that, at this point, he just needs to work on his "gather and tempo". It was not the right venue to ask exactly what he meant 

Hoping people on this sight can give me some insight. 



I think you made a good move not asking any questions and saying thanks. Taking advise from a person who saw him once is IOM not the direction. keep him working forward, keep fine tuning with his pitching coaches and so forth. Everyone has an opinion and listening to them, even if they are well intended, gets confusing. Experts very often won't agree....then where are you at?

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