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My son has been contacted recently by a few coaches (some in response to letters and videos he sent out) and some in person at a showcase.  Some seem just curious (ones who haven't seen him play in person).  Others have asked him to come to campus for a visit (most of these coaches saw him in person, one saw a video of his online).  Being new to this, my son (and I ) am not 100% sure how to tell who is serious and who isn't.  Obviously inviting him out seems pretty positive, but can i get some advice how to gauge the other communications and follow ups as genuine interest or not?  I just dont want him to overpursue schools that arent realistic. The interest at the showcase ranged from DIII to D1 and the D1 coach actually told him he stood out and asked if he had anywhere to play...


Also, he had a lot of coaches approach him directely right after games and also some sought him out the next day.  Do coaches typically express interest in person after seeing you if they are serious, or do they go back and review.research/discuss with thier staff? (maybe differs from one program to another?)


Sorry for a million questions, but I have chosen to let my son handle these discussions on his own and stay in the background.  He is young at 16 and sometimes is looking for some advice, but I honestly dont have the answers. 


Thanks for any responses

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For starters I would email the D1 who asked if he had anywhere to play.....RIGHT NOW!!!!   Thank him for his interest and if your son is interested in his school....tell him.  See where that leads.  Also, email any other coach who has expressed interest.  If their emails included a cell number have your son call them.  You'll have no real way to know how interested they are unless you ask....and now that it's fall and college is back in session, those coaches are busy getting their fall practices they may not have time to contact your son....but will surely respond to his contact if they have a real interest. It can't hurt to ask.  

I think Buckeye has given you some solid advice. 


To date our 2016 has had multiple conversations with two schools.  Visited one already and visiting another next week.  One consistent thing between the two was that it was important to them that my son confirmed that he was interested in their programs.  They both asked this question directly.  They don't have a lot of time to recruit kids that aren't interested in attending their school.


He's a 2015.  2 coaches have called him to follow up after the showcase and invited him for a visit.  Both discussed why they liked him and where they could see him in thier program.  Both also indicated they had a hole to fill or a need, so I feel pretty confident that he will have some options.    The D1 has not called back, but he did have a good game in front of them and showed at least 4 tools well.  He also got timed by them 4.0 HTF from right side.  Ultimately i think its best for him to be where he feels he fits in and where the coach feels comfortable with playing him regularly. 

If he is a 2015, he needs to make contact with ANY and ALL coaches/schools he's interested in....TODAY!!!!   D1's are wrapping up 2015 recruiting right now...and likely will be finished before the fall is over.  If any of the schools he is considering have a prospect camp coming up you'll want to contact the coach, make sure there is interest and get in front of the staff as soon as you can.  Putting this off until spring will be too late, there will be very few D1 openings for 2015's left by that point.

Son (not parents) should e-mail to thank for their interest, to express interest, and to ask how he might pursue an opportunity.  Specifically ask if they would like him to visit. 


As a 2015, even if the school is far away, you're nearing the time when he could do an "official visit," meaning they can pay your travel expenses if they like.  And if they do, then you'll know they are serious! 


But if they don't, go anyway.  Time's a wastin'!

Thanks everyone so far...


My son has been taking the lead and handling all this.  I got him started a way back helping him write an effective letter template, but he has made the videos, and done all the communicating with coaches either in email or on the phone.  He finally got it!  Its his future and his job to make it happen  He followed up each day after the showcase and since then as well.  2 of the coaches have invited him for paid visits and both have talked to him in detail about what thier needs are and how he would fit in and help fill those needs.  Hes confident they are serious at this point, and thankfully both are good academic schools.  We plan to go see them next week, and i encouraged him to reach out to everyone else he might be interested so he could get a firm answer yes or no.  Some have responded and although the answer was "no" it was much appreciated so he can assess his options.

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