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My nephew is a second year senior at a D1 Juco in Florida. Last year he received a fair amount of interest from D1 4 year colleges despite only being in his freshman year. However, despite pitching very well this year (ERA around 3.00), he's received very little contact from recruiters. Two D1 colleges came to watch him pitch, but neither has followed up any further. He's starting to become confused and somewhat discouraged.

His coaches have a solid track record in placing graduates in 4-year institutions, but there hasn't been much feedback from them either. Should he be worried or does he just need to be patient at this stage?
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He has no choice but to be patient. If worrying would help, I would say worry away. But it will not improve anything. The best thing he can do is to play relaxed and with confidence and let things take care of themselves. I realize that is easier said than done, but it is also the approach that has the best chance of producing the best result.
Bear is right - D1 coaches are still establishing their needs or will be doing so soon.

I think about UTSA, a university in my hometown that has a D1 program. Last May, the two guys slated to be UTSA's No. 1 and 2 starters this season took the team's exit meetings literally, blindsiding the head coach with plans to transfer. In addition, the projected No. 3 starter left in what was termed a mutual decision by both the player and the coaches. As you can imagine, the school had to scramble in May and throughout the summer to recruit additional pitchers.

Surely, that scenario will play out again this year in various places throughout the country, and hopefully your nephew will find a place to play. Meanwhile, could your nephew request a meeting with his head coach or pitching coach and ask for feedback on how he should proceed in seeking out a 4-year program? They may be able to reassure him that they have already been in talks with potential programs or perhaps they can give him pointers on how to make contact with schools himself.

Since time is of the essence, I would encourage him to schedule this meeting soon. Best wishes to your nephew!
Just to add to Bear's post, there are plenty of schools in MD that should also be seeking arms...

UMBC 8.00+ team era
Coppin state 7.00 team era
UMES 9.00 team era and half their roster is CC guys.

I'd imagine you could find a lot of schools that would love to know about a Florida JUCO kid with a 3.00--but yes, they are in the middle of their seasons and wont have a lot of time until May to dig for talent--but sitting back and waiting when time is not your friend doesnt help either. I found that data in 4 minutes of website cruising. Good LUCK!
Seeler, my son is a Sophomore at a D1 JUCO as well and has pitched only 1 inning this year due to early season shoulder soreness that took half his season away.

It can be discouraging for the boys but it is my belief that things happen for a reason, and all we need to do is to continue encouraging them to keep their heads up, work hard, and make the best of their situation for the remainder of the season. At the end of the year if your nephew's team is fortunate to make the conference playoff's, typically there are quite a few scouts that attend these. Encourage him and/or his parents to try a decent collegiate summer team to play on. You've heard the others above say that the 4yr schools are now assessing their pitching needs for next year and after the season it will ramp up even more due to exit interviews, transfers, draft, etc.

My son, while disappointed that he didn't get to have the big season he was hoping for this year, is now looking forward. He realizes how strong his arm will actually be this summer and sitting around 92-93mph he is actually going to see what opens up with teams while having fun on his summer team. Could virtually missing this season due to the injury be a blessing in disguise? Dunno. But that's how he is having to look at it now.

Help your nephew begin looking at the silver lining instead of worrying. Jemaz is correct in that worrying will accomplish nothing at all.

Good luck.

Last edited by YoungGunDad

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