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Son is 13 years old in 8th grade. He runs an 8.2-8.4 60 yard dash. Fastest kid on the team runs a 7.2. Son is 5'3" tall and about 110 lbs.

I have googled until my eyes glaze over. Will running up and down hills help him to get faster? How often should he run hills?

We also have begun running sprints. How many 10yard, 70 yard dashes and should he run greater distances?

When he is pretty sore after running hills should we just stay on schedule or allow his body a few days recovery? Will the soreness start to subside if he keeps working so we can also keep up with hitting, fielding and long toss. I am not looking to kill him just help him to become faster and a better ball player.

Last year I had the money to go to a personal trainer but this economy will mean that we need to work at home the old fashioned way as we most likely did when we were kids.

Thanks! Bill
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Just remember that as your son matures and works his way through puberty he will develop the muscle groups that will allow him to become faster. Different bodies mature at different times. In any group you compare your son to, some will be further along the way.

I would not be concerned about speed at this point, especially since he is clearly not overweight.

Focus instead on skill areas such as fielding technique and developing a sweet swing. If he can make progress in these areas he will be in excellent shape when his speed arives.

When mine was a sophomore he ran a 7.4 60. His senior year he ran a 6.9, and at 20 ran a 6.75.

Your guy needs to grow and mature at this point, make him a hitter and the game will give him all the time he needs to develop his speed.

Definitely a response I did not expect. Very much appreciated.

We have been doing a lot with his swing and his swing is really coming around.

In terms of fielding he has worked really hard and frankly has become an excellent infielder. There are just balls that other kids get to that he just is not fast enough to get to at this point.

Is it reasonable to maybe run sprints once a week just to focus on technique? Focus on hitting, fielding, and arm strength and just stop worrying about speed until maybe his sophomore year?

Thanks! Bill

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