So my '07 got his first letter from a D1 coach saying he'd "heard tremendous things about you academically as well as on the field." This letter came after one my son sent with his basic bio and followed the format used on this website. Son has not attended a camp or showcase at this school..but will this summer. We are delighted beyond words. Yesterday, my son got a letter from a fantastically beyond words rated D1 school basically saying the same thing about "heard good things about your play and academics"..this came from a school that was completely off my son's radar as his academics are just "okay"..(let's say 3.0 on a good day). In other words, a school he never contacted..but he did attend a showcase several weeks ago at this school (just for the experience). My question: how would they know about his academics? And where would they have heard about him? Am I being ingenous in thinking that, at this point, all these coaches will know is what WE tell them..or are they really exchanging info about prospective players. Frankly, I'd be satisfied to know that they send these letters to's the best joy in the world to watch my kid open a letter like this...but if they are, in truth, this interested in him..i just can't figure out how they heard about him? I know I should be happy..but I'm also a born skeptic.
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