Teach posted February 08, 2005 11:42 AM
Don't get me started on Gwynn's analysis of Bonds swing
I sort of agree but can you imagine if he said what really happened for the TV audience.
" Now watch Barry pump and draw his hands in toward his body by letting the bat go vertical. This creates a time delay between Barry's hips opening and the bat getting back on the plane of the pitch. It also sets up a great inside /out move of the bat knob that will result in angular displacement.
Now Barry's hips are moving around to RF and see the knob pointing to 3B. Boy! , Barry has executed the X- Factor stretch well and has stored energy into his torso and the balls only half the way home.
Pow there goes another into MacCoveys Cove"
Can you say that again for our listeners Tony?
Oh yeah, ahhhh....he pulls through with the bottom hand .
Thanks Tony!