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I was wondering if anybody had an "slump" tricks for getting hitters to hit the ball out of the infield.

The entire team is hitting the ball but they are hitting it to either the short stop of third baseman. It not a power issue. They hit the ball hard just right at the defensive player.

I was just wondering if anyone has anyone done anything that could jar loose this rhythm.
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Set up a protector screen about halfway up first baseline. Have the BP pitcher throw outside - you can even move the BP pitcher over to where he's going to throw straight at the outside corner - and tell the hitters to hit the screen with their BP.

Go aboout 5 cuts of just this for a round. Then the second round mix it up with inside and outside. Leave the screen to keep the visualization of hitting the target.

Place the Tee on outside corner of homeplate, and force them to hit to middle and right field. Do not even think about the left side of the diamond.

From there, you can do front toss. The toss must be middle/out, now hit it middle to right.

Now take it to live BP. The BP focus is to take the pitch middle to right.

Baby steps, and they will get the feel.
Sounds to me like they are disconnecting and throwing their hands at the ball. Casting, swinging around it, whatever you want to call it. I've had good success with getting back to the basic of keeping the hands at the back shoulder as long as possible.

If you video them and slow it down, you will probably see a push and they are hitting the ball way out front.

Let them see the video.
Last edited by NDD
Simple fix. Have them practice hitting the inside half of the baseball in all drills and batting practice.

They are hitting the outside half of the ball now.

Rarely do you hear which side of the ball to hit but slumps like you mentioned can be avoided by hitting the center to the inside half of the ball on nearly every pitch location.

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