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After a month of e-mail negotitations, It now seems certain that HaverSon will play (and coach) for money in Europe this summer.

Although he declined 3-4 similar offers to do the same sort of thing after graduation last spring, this deal seemed too good to turn down.

From March-June, he will be the assistant coach at a prestigous International high school. From April-October, he will be a player-coach for a club in that country's top league (yes, they do have multiple leagues here).

The extra bit was an internship for an absolutely famous international company.
(as famous as Ford or Microsoft)

The high school plays away doubleheaders in 4/5 european countries, with this year's season-ending tournament in Cairo. His "pro" team has a week of spring training in the south of France, and 45-50 game schedule.


We assumed we were done with all that, but for one more season at least, we will spend our weekends in that familiar way.

It feels like the Governor called, and gave me (us) a pardon.
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Yes I have spent time in Paris and was considering attending The Sorbonne.
After a week in Paris I couldn't wait to get out of there.
What with almost getting into a fight at the train station, the ticket lineup and being treated rudely by all except those in the tourist trade I definitely have a poor opinion of Paris. Or I forgot getting scolded for taking 2 desserts at the Sorbonne cafeteria. I was paying for the food.
The problem was they thought my friend and I were American and were nothing short of rude. My friend was from Bermuda and later became the crown attorney of Bermuda.
We cut out stay short and headed for Portugal on the train. We were celebs on the train and got treated well.
Principes fondamentaux de baseball : Le patois UN guide du ventilateur aux termes ordinairement utilisés et

L'as -- UNE cruche de l'équipe le mieux commençante. L'allée -- La section du terrain extérieur entre les joueurs de champ extérieur. Aussi l' « écart ». Autour de la corne -- UNE pièce double va de la troisième base pour appuyer à premièrement. La coulisse indirecte -- UNE hauteur qui a l'air d'être de la zone de grève, mais alors les coupures soutiennent par-dessus la plaque. Retenir -- UNE base. Le coup d'hache de Baltimore -- UNE balle de sol qui frappe devant à la maison la plaque (ou de d'il) et prend un grand saut par-dessus la tête du joueur de champ intérieur. Le carton à chapeau -- UN petit stade de baseball qui favorise des batteurs. La pièce de frappe-frappe -- UNE pièce dans laquelle le baserunner frappe le sac une fraction de seconde avant que la balle arrive ou inversement. La prise de panier -- Quand un défenseur attrape une balle avec son gant près du niveau de ceinture. L'acclamation de Bronx -- Quand la foule hue. Brushback -- UNE hauteur qui faut frapper une pâte. Le buisson -- Aussi « la ligue de buisson ». Une pièce d'amateur ou le comportement. La boîte de maïs -- Une prise facile par un défenseur.

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