Trojan-skipper - I always wonder about the "Wanna Be's" in athletics. Many if not most spend a lot of time saying that "they want to be." However, they spend very little time being. If only we could do it by saying and instead of doing it by doing it.(
These are the Qualities of a Baseball Knight. They are the qualities I want in our young men. (Note #2)
1. He wants the toughest and best competition in practice and in
games because it makes him better.
2. He would rather his team win conference than himself make All-
3. Whether in the game or not, he wants all of his teammates to do
4. He practices hard and pays the price because he knows that most
Baseball games are won or lost due to preparation.
5. He deals honestly with his coaches and teammates. He understands
that disloyalty to either coaches or teammates hurts the team and
will not be tolerated.
6. He never assesses blame.
7. He pays attention to detail.
8. He never likes losing but he is gracious in losing. He
understands that he represents his team, coaches, school and
9. He will never back down from competition.
10. He practices to make small strides in his game each and every day
to enable him to be a complete baseball player by the end of his
playing career as a Knight.
11. He realizes that his off-court behaviors, demeanor and attitude
affect the team, coaching staff, school and community.
12. He realizes that if we lose, it is not "his fault." Losing is a
team loss. He also realizes that if we win, it is not strictly
because of him. Winning is a team win.
13. He realizes that the difference between most players is not so
great that hard work cannot overcome it.
14. He puts the time and effort in during the off-season in the plyo-
metric and weight conditioning program to enable his team to have
15. He would rather build character than be a character!