Living on campus take the unlimited meal plan. Unlimited means you can access it anytime you wish. It's worth every penny because you won't find them ordering pizza as often.
You also know that they most likely have better food choices than fast food places.
Also at son's school there was an incentive for other programs bought in the way of points that can be used for additional meals.
XBox without a doubt. They are responsible enough to know when to use it and when not too. Besides, they won't use it half as much as they used to at home...LOL. Mine also brought a tv. We bought a cheap one that came home still working but remote lost and the closed caption doesn't turn off.
He got his monies worth though.
Buy everything, they can sell it afterwards or keep it, in son's apartment they had two micros for use, two of everything actually and used it. The refridgerator later became the beerator.
However wait until a roomate assignment, one brings micro the other the fridge, etc. Or you might want to wait until a week to see if it's really needed.
We loaded up son's Tiger card with money for on campus as well as an ATM Visa debit card, that was mostly needed to be accessed for cash and was given a cash budget for the week. Mine was far from home so he had a cc in case of emergency. Bank America has a free student checking with debit card. They don't have to write checks often but it's good time to begin how to use a checking account. Some people just like the rechargable debit cards, other like to have their kids in the same bank so they can transfer funds easily. First year at any school there is not really a big need for it's use if they eat in the cafeteria. If they are spending too much means that may mean are doing too many extra things they shouldn't, JMO.
Also since son was in the middle of nowhere, I sent him with enough toiletries to last until christmas. he had transportation but everything was very far and time was limited. If you are close that is good.
BTW, the school funds card (loaded on their ID's usually) is great for laundry instead of needing change.
I remember the "college corner" first year before son went off to school, sometimes I got sad just looking at the pile growing, knowing that he was leaving. Wow, that was just ages ago.