I'm just saying if were going to find ways to "pansy up" the game, lets go all the way and have coed teams for everything. And let's quit keeping score while were at it so nobody gets there feelings hurt by losing. Plus, I think opposing teams should have to wear identical uniforms, this way one group of players won't feel bad because their uniforms aren't as nice as the other teams. Low self esteem could cause poor play.
"Studdesses"!? Oh no way, we have to develop a single word that describes boys and girls equally. Maybe we could refer to outstanding players of either *** as HeSheStudasauruses or something non-gender specific.
And who cares about the economics of adding coed teams!? just raise my taxes again, I've come to expect it as a yearly reality, after all, its for the children.
Finally, if a boy feels bad about having to play intergender baseball because he was cut from the boys team, no problem. We get grief counselors to come in and teach them to cope. We already have the money allocated from our last tax increase (see above).