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HI guys,

I haven't been on here for a while due to school and other things that keep me busy. Recently I turned 16 on Sept. 28. I had no idea what i was going to get and if I was going to get anything at all. That morning my dad picked me up from school, and we started driving. "dad where are we going?" I kept asking. He wouldn't tell me. About 5 hours later we arrived at Camden Yards (home of the Orioles.) to watch the Yankees and Orioles play. I was so excited. Ever since I was a young boy I've wanted to see the Yankees play. I wanted to run into the stadium. I got to see my favorite player in Derek Jeter, and other greats like Sheffield, Rodriguez, Giambi, Williams, Matsui, Posada, Rivera, and others. We arrived 3 hours early, and I got to see all of the "good" players that came by taxi. I was literally a foot from them. I watched the game and was inspired by seeing the shots, and the cheering of fans when players achieved. "I'm going to be here one day," I thought to my self the whole time and all the way back home. I've hit about 300 balls everyday since, and can't wait till the upcoming season so I can get on the feild, and warm-up like the pros, and hustle, and just play and impress the scouts so I can be in that enviroment one day. Right now I can remember the sights and sound of the game. I'm thinking to myself "One day I'm going to be playing under the lights with the fans chanting my name." Take your kids to a game like my father did, and it's well worth the price. It's something they'll never forget.
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
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What a terrific several important respects!!

Maintain that attitude, and the game will give you much joy and satisfaction.

Best of luck to you, both on and off the field!

applaude applaude applaude

P.S. Talk your Dad into coming with you to a game in Chapel Hill this spring. Walk as far down the first base fence as you can, ask for Clayton Woodard, and introduce yourself. It'd be a pleasure and a privilege to meet you.
Last edited by Prepster

That was a great post! You are a very lucky man to have a father that spends time with you. Not all of us have had that benefit growing up for one reason or another, and it is nice to see that what you father has done has inspired you to work even harder. Don't ever lose the passion for the game, it has been good to my family and I feel very fortunate to be involved in the sport.

yea i did, it was about 5 hours i drove about 2 because I have my permit haha. (License feb. out...haha). We actually left the game and came back that night and i went to school the next day. although I couldn't keep my eyes open at least I didn't get 2 far behind. We were thinking about a hotel but we were low on money so we decided just to make the stretch home. It was a great trip.

I don't have to tell you that you will remember that game with your father fa' Evah!!! What a great experience it was and what a greater experience it IS because you obviously appreciate what your father did for your baseball world(s).(Your Dad has a great memory/treasure also).

You obviously have a very loving Dad and he has the makings of a fine young man on his hands.

Now, get with the book-work, cuz you gotta!

Best of luck on the field next Spring also!

One of my best memories as a child was my dad taking me to a ML game between the Senators and the Yankees many years ago. I got to see Mickey hit a HR and a ground rule dbl. To some people it might not sound like a big deal their dad taking them to a game. But it is a memory that has lasted me my whole life and one that I will always cherish. I saw Mickey Mantle play. Wow thats a statement that many people can not make. Craig Im glad that your dad took you to see a mlb game. Im sure that you will never forget it. Dont forget to thank him for taking the time to allow you to experience it. Good luck this season in HS. I hear you are at Southern Durham now. I hope the season goes well for you and T.

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