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I don't know what happened to your thread either, but please drop it, or wait with some common courtesy for a moderator who knows what happened to reply to you. Less than 8 hours passed between the time of your first inquiry and your third one (during normal sleeping hours for most people - 11pm to 6am).

This site is not all about you. We are here to help parents and players.

Sorry if that sounds abrupt, but at times it gets tiring to see a longtime member such as yourself fill up threads with arguing about "how dare you say that to ME!", "why did this happen to MY thread?!". I honestly do not know what happened to your thread, but maybe a moderator got tired of trying to manage an argument or clean up the incoherency that infidel mentioned above. I suggest that you try to remember why you came here in the first place. Then look for a thread where you can help some newcomers.

Last edited by MN-Mom
Don't lay the blame on the moderators and go to the extreme of calling them "sick". I have had a few vanish myself --- may have something to do with the internet overload of it could even be the aurora borealis. Or it could be as simple as a poster hitting the wrong button or it could have been seen as having religious implications and indeed been removed by a moderator. In any case let's move on.

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