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saturday night our son advised he's requesting from the organization may 7th & 8th off for his graduation.we have to plan as though they will allow it.this to me is truly unreal,he works so extremely hard,played college baseball 4 yrs. then got drafted ,playing 2nd pro yr. now getting a degree.he wants to walk the stage with his friends but will they let him? we are so happy,excited,grateful,anxious,and proud of him.sorry if i brag but he's a catcher for crying out loud. the tools of ignorance he carries,along with books of higher in sociology and he was 2 for 4 today with 2 rbis .he has to fly from florida to omaha then we pick him up at the airport. we have to drive from texas to is baseball my friends.
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Maybe they will --- but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. They could say graduation is just a ceremony celebrating his accomplishments and not being there has no effect on the degree. When my son walked on stage and was handed his "degree" it was a sheet of paper with a fancy ribbon. He received the actual degree later. It's difficult to have your cake and eat it too but there are exceptions and maybe this will be one. Smile ----Let us know how it plays out.
Last edited by Fungo
If you find this unreal your son hasn't been playing pro baseball very long Smile
I would not be surprised if they say no and would surprised if they say yes...
Beware they may let him go and say no problem. but what they really mean is you if don't care about your career we don't either.

(unless you signed for $$$)then this doesn't apply Smile
Last edited by njbb
there's no money involved baby, just an excellent catcher in the opinions of all that have pitched to him and he played for or against.unreal,im still interested to hear from others that have experienced similiar going to keep an open mind and not be surprised either way just like justbaseball. Coolmaybe he hasn't played very long and maybe he wont play very much longer,at least he gets to call his own game for now.who knows? that's why im posting
Last edited by rabe62
Here are some thoughts, but this is probably a club and player specific issue, i.e,. the more they value the player, the more likely it can get done.
Our son played 4 years in Milb with a club that drafted college players almost exclusively. Every player who needed/wanted, walked at graduation whenever baseball was not being played.None of the players asked for time off in May to attend graduation, at least no one took the time off so the assumption is no one asked.
When you look at this from the view of the club, it could be somewhat complicated and/or involve some risk.
First, if they want to replace your son on the roster, they need to place your son on an inactive list(he does not get paid) to activate another catcher, if they have one to play at that level.I could be wrong but I think the time to be inactive has a certain number of days and needs a certain reason and I do not know if graduation is one of them.
If they don't deactivate your son, then the team plays with 24, and likely 11-12 position players. If they don't have 3 catchers already on the roster, they risk going with only one and the possibility of injury and what that entails.If they have 3, it is less an issue. It they only carry 2, then I would bet they make a deal about deactivating your son, activating someone, and then doing the reverse when your son returns.
This is not an easy baseball issue if the team chooses to make it difficult.
I am aware of one pitcher who asked for time off to be in his sister's wedding. It was granted but not without a fair amount of "discussion" and finally working the pitching rotation so he pitched, flew out that night, attended the wedding and family functions for 2 days, flew back and had one day, then pitched.
This all leaves aside the risk your son is replaced, some kid goes 4-4 and throws out 3 runners, which was the "paranoia" of players like our son who were playing for their baseball life everyday they were in Milb.
nice food for thought infielddad.they do carry 3 catchers and i do see how the situation could be complicated.we discussed this possibility back in january,i told him if he's batting a buck fifty-one in may he better not he's hitting well right now and i don't really like him taking a break but it's his decision.he takes his dream very serious.his education and degree are important as well,these are two facts that make this topic extremely interesting.rh05p thanks,perfect solution,unfortunately he's a catcher,tools of ignorance and all.
Last edited by rabe62

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