If your son hasn't gotten a scholarship offer from a D-1 out of high school, please don't look at this as a "failure" or the feeling that "well, there goes his dream". Not at all true. Going to a JUCO, making the team and playing your heart out WILL GET YOU SEEN. There are JUCO showcases that are attended by all the major D-1 colleges/universities. When colleges/scouts hear of a good, talented player, they show up, sometimes just to watch intersquads or practices to look at how a player/players...and they will do this numerous times. They'll not only note how he's doing that particular day but also the "projectibility" of the player(s).
In no way is a JUCO the "only place this player could make it". There are plenty of D-1 bouncebacks there, choosing a JUCO instead of having to sit out a year (the whole D-1 to D-1 thing). This only holds true if you leave a D-1 after your freshman year since you still are eligible to play as a SOPH at JUCO - after that, you pretty much have to stay put. Lots of these "bouncebacks" have new D-1 scholarships waiting for them after JUCO and are watched closely by scouts who will continue to follow them onto their next stop in college.
My point being, there's still time AND opportunity to get into a good D-1 program AFTER JUCO. Very important here: make sure, absolutely sure, your son/you and his counselor have a clear, concise degree plan. No short-cuts here. This is essential from Day One. This is not where you want to overlook something that will keep him from getting/keeping that scholarship going. Along with grades, of course.
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