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Just want to start a topic letting people know there are some good coaches out there. My son's school has 5 of them.

Yeah, do I not agree with all thier decisions? Sure. But I didn't agree with the Boston Red Sox manager last year when he kept Pedro in, or the Cubs Manager when he let his team fall apart in game 6 either. It goes with the territory.

In all my son's years of playing, I have encountered one coach who I didn't like to the point of pulling my son off the team, and he was verbally abusive to 11 year old boys.

Other than that one instance, I feel we have been very blessed.
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I must agree eagle_fan. My son is an '04. He has had the same head coach through out high school and he is great. He know how to motivate his team and is great a getting them to really give it all they have. He does this without putting them down and really seems to care about them as people not just as ball players. This season he has is second pitching coach and second hitting coach. We have not had a problem with any of the coaches. Do I always agree with what they do? Ofcourse not. Do I respect them? Yes.
My two boys have had a couple of truly excellent coaches, quite a few good ones, and one or two who were trying hard but had very little knowledge of the sport they were trying to coach, which made it frustrating for the players. I'm thankful my sons have never had any really negative or abusive ones. Well, actually my '04 had a maniac for a s****r ("sokker") coach when he was 6 yrs old, and never wanted to play that game again ... thanks coach! Big Grin My two favorites are my 06's baseball coach in 7th-8th grade, and my 04's current pitching mentor. Thank you!
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My son was blessed to have wonderful coaches all thru his youth years.. From Tball thru High School, there is nothing I can say bad about these men..

They taught him alot more than just baseball, being a single mom, they were like dads to him and on the night he made his verbal commitment, after calling grandma Smile the first emails and phone calls he made were to these coaches. They will always be a part of our extended family..

Next weekend his youth coach (from 9 yrs old until 15 years old) and his HS coach are heading to M'town with us to see him and one of his opponents (and one of my sons oldest and dearest friends) play each other.. Both these coaches commented that they don't really care if they see them play, they have seen that before.. they just want to see both of them together on a field in college uniforms.. It will be an unforgettable weekend for all of us I am sure.

"Baseball, it is said, is only a game. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole."


We have moved a lot and my son has had 4 HS coaches. One of them was outstanding. One was average, but tried really hard and loved the kids and parents. One was a no personality a-hole, but very adequate and one was absolutely clueless. Funny thing is the one that was absolutely clueless was very active in state organizations and was highly regarded. However, he was a horrible game coach, the worst I have seen.

I would say there are more good than bad. At least they are good people.

the Florida Bombers
"I love the HSBBW"
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We have not moved yet my son has played for 4 high school varsity head coaches in 3 years. the latest coach for 1 day now.

The quality has covered the full range from great role model/very good coach down to maybe the worst ever human being/gamecoach you can imagine. More have been average or better, than not.
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