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Not only is it goofy but I get so tired of school officials offering their students a choice and then disregarding what they want. I grew up in Fremont CA and I remember they were opening a new high school and they let the students name the school. The majority voted for Nova high school. But the officials didn't like it so they named it American.
Why did they even bother to let the kids vote?
Originally posted by catfish342:
About 30 years ago when the Southern Cal football team visited Columbia to play South Carolina, a banner hanging in the stadium stated:

Trojans Can't Cover Our 'Cocks.

I'm guessing that you would never see a banner like that these days.

Oh, yes, you will. A lot of people would say this is worse:
Last edited by Matt13
There are a number of Pro teams that could be in trouble if this "politically correct' thing goes too far?

Giants-offends anyone over 6'4"

Packers-offends anyone who flys Southwest because they have to have 2 bags on every trip

Bills-offends anyone named William

49'er's-offends all of us who don't want to admit we're over 50

Rays-offends men named Raymond (Romano, Price, Massey, Burr, Milland, etc)

Twins-offends women with large breasts

Padres-offends Dads and priests in S.California

Diamondbacks-offends women who have 'tramp stamps' depicting jewelry

Dodgers-offends Muhammad Ali and all other conscientious objectors

Royals-offends Prince Charles, his family and the rest of the in-breds in Great Britain

Redskins-offends anyone with a rash or sunburn

Reds-offends our Russian friends

Yankees-offends the Occupy MLB protesters and the salary cap in baseball. Oh, there isn't one?

Rams and Colts-offends the real NFL teams
Last edited by gitnby
I went to college at Bradley University. The name of the team is the Braves. About 15 years ago there was a drive to change the name of the team to something more politically correct. The name was going to be (get this) the Fighting Squirrels.

Fighting Squirrels. Fighting @#*+$@ Squirrels. Needless to say the idea was rejected rather quickly. Thankfully.

Another local team was called the Siwash. No one really knew what a Siwash was but it sounded vaguely offensive to someone so they renamed Know College the Prairie Fire.

My high school was Monmouth High School. We were the Zippers back then. When the local high schools combined they changed the name to the Titans. Pretty weak decision in my opinion.

As a person of Irish descent I find the Fighting Irish and Celtics characters highly offensive. Where can I collect my check. They can keep the mascot, just give me some money. I am offended and I deserve satisfaction for the mental trauma I feel. I mean not all of us Irishmen are gold hording midgets that like to fight.

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