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I'am looking for a pitching specific conditioning program for a HS junior. Any ideas or suggestions where this could be found would be helpful. With an unlimited number of strenght/ coditioning programs available,I would like some feedback on what's good and what's not. The boys conditioning has been limited to sit-ups, core work ,light dumbells (5-7 lbs) and cords. There are recommendations that he should start a lifting program, But I'am not certain to what extent.
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The most important part of the body for strength training for an athlete is their legs and core. The following exercises will enhance your overall body strength and explosiveness and translate into how you perform on the field.

-squats 8 reps x 3
-(plyometrics) box jumps 10 reps x 3
-(plyometrics) squat jumps " "
-(") scissor jumps ""
-step ups 10 reps x3 each leg
-leg extensions 12 reps x3
-leg curls 12 reps x3
-One legged dead lifts (with light weight*) 8 reps -x3 each leg
-calf raises 15 reps x 3
-(optional but helps with explosiveness) power cleans 6 reps x3
-lunges 10 reps x3

Find out what each player's max is for each of these workouts. Then have them go 70-75% of their max for each of their workouts to add strength and prevent from "bulking up". Warm-up before workout and STRETCH after. You can tailor this workout any way you want, it is in no order. Have them do the work out three times a week which will allow plenty of time of rest and recovery.

I may be a young, but I think I know a little bit about strength training. ;]

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