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Got this kinda tingly giddy feeling,....can almost smell the anticipation in the newly crisp air,....saw the warm up jacket sittin on my son's bed, right next to football pads,....its here,..its here!!!!!! Move over football gear,....hellooooo bat bag!!!!!,....FALL BASEBALL starts here THIS weekend!!!!!!

How about you all? Will we get updates about your games in your areas???,....your experiences?

I sure hope so!!!

****** Keep the baseball scoop comin'!!! ******
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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shortstopmom - I don't blame you one bit for being excited. You have exactly the right attitude of living and enjoying the moment Smile

Since my son left for college last fall, this has become a somewhat melancholy time for me. Although fall league baseball in the Cleveland area is more like rec league baseball, I loved it. The weather is often spectacular in the fall and I loved being at the games in the fall. More importantly, hotdogs taste better in the fall! Last fall, to satisfy my desire to see fall baseball, I would go attend local community college games to see my son's ex-teammates play. I plan on doing the same this fall at least until we can make a trip to see my son play.
Hey Dan
I do the same thing. I watched a game at a local university last night and looking forward to a double header Sat. Some of my son's ex teammates play on the team. Nice to see the parents and the boys again. 2 of the players graduated from Charleston Southern. I even attend some of their tryouts. Love fall ball. We also have 2 Elite teams that are playing this weekend.
220 miles to our door.
Have a friend who loves Cleveland Indians and goes there several times during the season.
Our Elite team played there quite a bit a couple years ago. I have forgot the name of the field we played at but it was just off the lakeshore and had grass turf. Big old intercity school. We also played in Painsville just outside Cleveland.
Love the area.
Sniff...blow,..sniff sniff, ....more blowing. cry

Baseball cancelled this weekend,...chili gone cold,....bad weather. Warm up jacket taken out of the car,...put back on the bed.

Field too wet,..yadda yadda ..." biiig puddles ", says the college baseball manager,.....yaddah yaddah.

Guess we have to wait til next weekends tournament.

What a bummer!!!!! Got the call while actually driving to the game,... had to turn the car around,..sniff-sniff.

The look on my son's face,


Last edited by shortstopmom
Waaahooo, fall ball started today!!! 16U woodbat league. Son went in as the closer and got the win (an added bonus). Weather was perfect - only needed a light sweatshirt. Funny rules... they bat through the order regardless of which 9 are on the field. Had some personal chuckles early in the game. Coach put son at short for the first 3 innings before pulling him to rest his arm prior to sending him in to close. Son and I were the only people at the field who knew he'd never played short in his life. Did a great job of faking it, though. Gotta love fall ball.
THAT'S EXACTLY why I started this thread! Really wanted to hear about others Fall ball experiences,...especially because this is our first year participating.

KMomNH,..thanks for sharing! At least I got to hear about your sons baseball since ours was rained out! ( especially cause he got to play the SS position for a bit,...which I am especially fond of! ha! )

I hope others of you post too. Would love to hear about the games, road trips, etc!
Keep em' comin'!!!! Smile
Last edited by shortstopmom

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