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go to and run the search engine on location (south) and selectivity (most difficult and very difficult). this will give a listing of schools that meet the criteria. get busy making contact with those schools. wouldn't hurt to expand the search to include another region of the country as well. think opposite, for instance........northwest, northeast.

congrats to your son on the ACT and gpa. nice job !

if your son is an 09, he may want to get some applications in this fall.....use Early Action if available. students with better ACT's like your son's sometimes apply to 8 to 10 or 10 to 14 schools......check with your h.s.'s counselor to see what others at his school have done applications wise. keep in mind that academic scholarships are sometimes awarded on a first come basis so he'll want to get scholarship apps in early.......possibly by end of November.
Last edited by btbballfannumber1
Originally posted by etcanedad:
A player has a 4.00 and a 32 on his act, He was rated and 8 by PG. so far only MIT is currently recuiting him. Any suggestions?

Go to MIT Big Grin

Seriously, it sounds like he just needs more exposure. Personally, I would call every coach you think he has a chance to play for. Try calling some high end coaches at places like Vanderbilt or Wake Forest or Stanford and ask them for their advice after you tell them your son's background. I am pretty sure they will take your call.

Try some mid-level baseball programs and see what they say. Programs such as Columbia or Princeton or Harvard or West Point, for example.

A smaller elite academic program is Davidson. I would definitely give them a call. With what you have posted about your son, I would think these coaches will gladly take your call. Ask them what you can do. Frankly if it were me, and my son had those type of scores, I would call the top D2 and D3 baseball schools that also are known for their academics. There is a perfect fit out there for your son - baseball wise and academically, you just need to find it.
another can possibly try this......

with a 32 ACT, your son is likely receiving mailings and emails from colleges that are interested in your son for academics. make a listing of these schools (use a spreadsheet) and start contacting the person who sent the letter..........noting who sent it.....for example, was it from the dean of enrollment? honors department chair? there is usually a contact email or phone for them listed on the letter. contact them. ask them who to speak with in the athletic department about playing collegiate baseball at their school. when contacting them, let them know that your son received a mailing from them. try, if possible, to mention his act score of 32, gpa, and class rank. emailing is a pretty quick way to make contact on the admissions side of things. admissions offices are usually pretty good about getting back to you fairly quickly.

jmho, but a 32 ACT and above for a student athlete opens lots of doors.
Last edited by btbballfannumber1

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