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Devastating news.

As a parent that has lost a son, I know the insurmountable pain and grief the family,friends, and teammates of Chris will be left to cope with. For though some may never have met the young man, all in the baseball family feel the pain from his untimely passing. My heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to all affected by this tragedy.
My heart breaks for his family in the loss of their beloved son. We buried a child 7 years ago this week, and there is of course, no other pain that compares to letting one go. They will have a long road ahead of them, I hate that they have to go down it.

We all prayed for a different outcome for Chris, but it wasn't meant to be.

God bless his family, his baseball family, and his friends and loved ones.
As a parent of of Grapevine High School baseball varsity player, and president of the booster club, I would like to thank all of you who have called, e-mailed, sent text messages and posted notes on this site.

We've received food from Faith Christian, posters from the Colleyville Heritage team, notes from Weatherford's booster club, notes from Coppell baseball, an e-mail from Georgetown, and the list
goes on and on and on.

The Heritage kids wore Chris's #17 on their wristbands yesterday, while their cross-town friends at Grapevine wrote Chris' number on their cheek and hung his jersey in the dugout.

At a prayer vigil tonight after learning of Chris' death, players, coaches and parents from Keller Central and Trinity stayed after their game at GHS to attend and support their grieving friends at Grapevine. It was heart wrenching to see those kids crying right along with their baseball brothers from Grapevine.

Trust me, all those calls, messages and prayers are heard and felt, and are greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for taking the time to post, Baseball Junkie 2. At our school, we lost a freshman baseball player to a fatal accident about 2 1/2 years ago. Two other baseball players were seriously injured. Due to the fact that most baseball players/parents are a close knit group, it is a pain like no other.

Heartfelt prayers are indeed being prayed... our deepest sympathies at a time when mere words seem so small.
As we offer all kinds of support to the family, the friends and teammates, please don't forget the coaches and trainers. I watched as the GHS trainers and coaches helped Chris until paramedics arrived, and they did everything they could.

Both the coaches and the trainers see their players almost like their own sons, and they are really struggling with this tragedy. Please keep them in mind too, as they could use a lot of support right now.
Just arrived from our weekend series and saw this post.

Heart felt sorrow for the family and all that knew Chris Gavora.

In God's Master Plan, this young man's death will touch the lives of thousands. The healing will be long and hard for all that knew this young man personally, but as every day goes by, Chris's life will be a path for more people, both young and old, to gain a or strengthen their personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. I pray for Chris Gavora's family as they grieve and that their eyes be opened to the new souls brought to know Christ thru their son's service to God.
SouthPaw pop, thanks for your post. God will use this tragedy in all of our lives, but especially those who knew Chris well. Just helps me again to realize what is truly important in life; ie. our relationship with Christ and our relationships with those we love and come in contact with. A good reminder for me, when I get a little cranky about baseball or anything else for that matter.
This past Fall my younger son was dealing with the death of a fellow classmate due to a tragic accident. During that time I was struggling with the question of "why" with him.

A very wise fellow poster by the name of Texan knew of my situation and sent me the info. below as his first PM to me. Since then I have shared this with friends that have experienced a recent loss.

I hope this helps during this very diffecult time:

It is difficult to answer the "why"? And certainly that is a struggle depicted in the book of Job.

This world was thrown out of kilter, out of God's plan, back with Adam & Eve. And since then, bad things happen. And sometimes they happen to good people.

Something bad happening surely does not mean that someone did something to bring that bad upon themselves.

Since the Good Lord gave us free will, he will not keep every bad thing from happening. Otherwise we would be robots not humans.

So bad things do occur. That doesn't mean that it was God's plan or that He caused it. It is never God's plan for bad things to happen. Yet God can make something good come from any situation if we let Him.

We may or may not personally see that good. It is comforting when we do see it. But sometimes the good is beyond our sight, or beyond our time. We just have to remember that the fact that we don't see the good does not mean good did not occur.

And for those who are believers, leaving this earthly existence is not a bad thing. Rather, going to God's presence is the best thing that can happen. It is those of us left behind who have the pain of parting and the sense of loss. Yet if we also are believers, we can be comforted by the fact that soon we will see our loved ones again.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by Baseball Junkie 2:
Grapevine baseball's motto this year is "ONE TEAM...ONE GOAL...ONE HEARTBEAT." The idea was that tight knit teams often have a sense of having a single heartbeat.

Little did we know how prophetic that slogan would be when adopted during the winter. This afternoon, Chris Gavora, an organ donor, gave life to a 10 year old girl in Arkansas in need of a new heart.

Oh, wow... that just sent chills down my spine. What an amazing team motto and as you said so prophetic.

I'm so so sorry that you all have to go through this experience, but obviously I am thankful for the family of the 10 year old girl.
Our thoughts and prayers continue for Chris' family, teammates, coaches and all of those touched by his life, gift of life and story.

Oldbat, thank you for sharing the above post regarding "why"

Baseball Junkie 2, Thank you for taking time to post and share something positive out of this tragedy. I too had the experience of authorizing organ donation with the passing of an immediate family member and the act of helping others was comforting during our difficult time. We will also pray for the organ recipients and family.
Last edited by Still Learning
That information is so awesome to hear because I have been in the donor situation with a family member and the knowledge of being able to give someone else the gift of life who has been struggling is just incredible and does ease the pain. Our prayers are with both families! May God bless both of the families involved.

Originally posted by Baseball Junkie 2:
Grapevine baseball's motto this year is "ONE TEAM...ONE GOAL...ONE HEARTBEAT." The idea was that tight knit teams often have a sense of having a single heartbeat.

Little did we know how prophetic that slogan would be when adopted during the winter. This afternoon, Chris Gavora, an organ donor, gave life to a 10 year old girl in Arkansas in need of a new heart.
With deepest condolences.

The Ballplayer's Prayer

God grant me wisdom, to tell a strike from a ball, to know where to throw, and never to fall.
Keep me always in the baseline,
Running straight and true, and I'll look for your sign, to stretch one into two.
Let me always hustle,so I'll be at my best, and take pride in myself, in sports and the rest.
God give me strength, when I throw the ball, when I'm far from home plate, or against a wall.
So I never miss a base, please guide my feet, bring me home safely, so my job is complete.
When I help younger players, let me always give praise, so they'll see you in me, in all of my ways.
God please guide our coach, to be fair and smart, to teach us to be good, let it come from his heart.
Let me take a loss, just as well as a win, to do any less, is surely a sin.
As long as I can play, let me make my parents proud, as proud as I am, when they yell my name loud.
Originally posted by Redhead:
Baseball Junkie 2 - I assume we can send condolences to the Grapevine High School address - attention Coach McCune. Is there a better address to send to? How about services? I'm sure many Booster Clubs / Teams would like to send flowers.
Yes, the best address to send something for the program would be to Coach McCune at GHS, 3223 Mustang Drive, Grapevine, 76051.

Services for Chris Gavora are this Saturday, 10AM, First Baptist Church-Grapevine.
Originally posted by oldbat-never:
Thank you Texan...

Also, I have been thinking about this so much and I hope that the young man that was batting is getting a lot of support right now and in the future. I can't imagine the pain he is going through, it was an accident but he must feel sooooo bad... Let's remember him and his family in our prayers....
Old Bat-The young man who hit the ball has indeed really been struggling, so your comments are right on the mark. The good news is he comes from a very strong family of faith, just marvelous parents, so he is surrounded by friends and family.

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