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Player A, 162 game average

avg: .307
runs: 91
2b: 40
3b: 2
hr: 20
rbi's 100
ob%: .358
slg: .471
ops: .830

Player B, 162 game average

avg: .318
runs: 97
2b: 38
3b: 5
hr: 19
rbi's: 99
ob%: .360
slg: .477
ops: .837

One of these players is in the Hall of Fame. One isn't. Does playing for a World Series winner matter that much?

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

Original Post
Part of the first guy's problem was that he was a first baseman and those power stats for the averages are no better than Keith Hernandez or Mark Grace. But in his case most of the big numbers were accumulated in about five good to great years, while the second guy, an outfielder had more good- great years. To me the second guy is a border line Hall of Famer even though he was voted in. Had he been kind of a jerk instead of the perception that he was a great favorite and had not his career ended suddenly due to a vision problem, I'm not sure he would have been voted in. The first guy was a great player until his injury, but he hung on as a shadow of himself for five or six more years and I think this caused many fans and writers to forget that he was a great player before the injury. But as things ended up, I don't feel he is a Hall of Famer because we can't speculate on what might have been.

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