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Well friends, I told ya'll I always worry more when he is doing well and now I am afraid my concerns are here to haunt me. In Friday's game he was diving for a ball in the OF...when he dove he said he felt something (hamstring) pop...he got up, got the ball and made the throw back into the IF, but then went down and had to be helped off the field. Talked to him after the game and he said the team trainer said to ice it three or four times a day over the weekend and then they would start therapy Mon. A little background info...he hurt his hamstring last summer rite before he was to report to college...he sat out most of the fall season. He went to two Dr.s,they both agreeded that time off and physical therapy was the course to take...they said a hamstring injury is one of the most nagging and most difficult injuries for an athlete to fully recover from...anyway, by the time they started practicing for the spring (early Jan.) he said his hamstring felt good and was given the OK from the DR. to play...He has been having such an outstanding year so far and I hate this for him...Any thoughts ...or suggestions(about recovery techniques or specific exercises,etc.) from anyone who has suffered through this type of injury would be greatly appreciated...also PRAYERS for a Speedy and Complete Recovery are being requested by a very worried Mom.Thanks guys for your continued encouragement and support.
P.S. Only good news out of this...the team won both games....they are now currently on a 25 game winning streak...oh yea,in game one(bottom of the 7th) Duke gunned the winning run down from RF at homeplate! What a throw it was,too!!
Went to extra innings where we won...quite exciting.
Sorry this got so long, but I know most of you will understand that sometimes a Mom just needs to let loose of some frustations.Thanks Again,
Duke's Mom

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Duke's Mom,

I was in a similar situation with a son who had sprained an ankle. The best answers for me were found using the computer. I used the search engine, typed in different key words and read article after article. One approach we ended up using had my son up and ready to play in 10 days when the team trainers said he'd be out a minimum of 4 weeks. How we ever survived without the internet I'll never know. Hope that helps and good luck to both of you because when they're down, you're down.
Duke's Mom...Desperate times call for desperate measures, so here goes. Our son suffered a slight hamstring pull this past summer in North Carolina playing summer ball. I say slight because it only kept him out of two games and his coach immediately iced it. He didn't feel it snap, but it was very painful for a while. That is until his mom got to him...A day or so later he called to tell us about it and we jumped in the car and headed for NC with a medium size plastic bag of pure Georgia red clay dug up by none other than me under heavy protest. When we got to him Dr. Mom mixed plain white vinegar with the clay and made a paste. She had him lay on his stomach while she placed a thick layer of the paste from the back of his knee all the way up to the botton of his buttocks. She then wrapped it rather tightly with gauze. When this stuff dries, it's like a cast, hard as a brick. He kept it there for the rest of the night and all the next day. The next evening before we left she did it again. By the third day he was feeling much better and was able to start doing some exercises with the trainer and hasn't had any problems since. Thank God. Try it, Duke's Mom, it may help to draw the soreness from it and start the healing process quicker. I suppose any Texas clay would work. Does Texas have clay?
Last edited by Catfish
Thanks for the clay remedy's funny you should recommend this particular remedy as I recently told my ex-husband(who trained race horses for nearly 20 yrs.and used this very thing on his horses'legs for different injuries)(he also only lives 30 minutes from our son as opposed to the 9 hrs that i live)that he should mix up one of his clay poultices and apply it to John Wayne's leg...I don't know if he thought I was serious or not...but I'm gonna call and reiterate yours and my suggestion.I think Miss.clay will do the same trick...don't you ? Wink
Anyway, John Wayne saw the Dr. today. He said that the Dr. said he thought it was only a bad strain...not a tear or surgery required,thank God.Just some time off and extensive physical therapy 3-4 times a day for at least two weeks...hopefully he will be ready before the season is least in time for post season play.We'll just have to play the wait and see game...Thanks for all of ya'lls thoughts and prayers...I am a firm believer in the Power of Prayer...If it is God's Will, John Wayne will be ready to play again in the near future...if it's not...then we will deal with that bridge when we have to cross it.Thanks Again and God Bless Ya'll! Smile
I'll Try The Wine Remedy!!! laugh laugh
Last edited by Duke's Mom
Wow, that red clay thing sounds great, can we sell and package it? Better yet, we'll throw in the suggestion of a bottle of wine also!
All kidding aside, hope your son is feeling better, asap. Let us know how things are going. Seems like we got a rash of injuries starting sooner than later.
Mom, not sure where Quinlan is but if you can get to Austin, I would recommend it. There is a masseuse/holistic practitioner there and if I had not seen it, more than once, I would not believe it. One of my son's teammates had a severe hamstring pull on a Tuesday game a few years back. Could not even walk on Wednesday. Went to Austin to see her and played at full speed on Friday and for the next 3 days of the SCAC tournament. If you would like information I will see if I can find the name and contact information.
Hey Outfield...You really Saw my "Boy"? How cool that a fellow webster can let a "faraway" mom know how her son is looking at the plate!! Thanks for the update! And thanks for the words of encouragement... I am so PROUD for JW and his teammates and coaches(#1 Ranking)...I just hope they GO ALL THE WAY!!That will be the BEST and Final Ranking!! Thanks Again for the info about "Duke"...

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