We have been using diamond kinetics and my kid has a hand cast of 8 to 12 inches which i take it means his swing is long and cuts across the ball? His trigger time to impact is extremely short though. Anyone have an opinion on optimum handcast distance.
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What is handcast? Doesn't dk offer a normal range for This? Definitely not a standard term in coaching hitting but probably a made up metric by DK. This doesn't mean it is bad, maybe it is predictive of success but you need to define and test it.
Here is what dk days.
They are not really defining a range here. From what I understand they define hand cast the distance from he farthest point back in the load to the farthest point out of the hands like I illustrated here
As dk said this can come from hands going out too much or also excessive counter rotation in the load so hands have to go out even if they are not going away from the body.
Both potentially can have issues or not be an issue at all.
Best probably would be you posting a video here in this thread. If you don't want to do that you can also send me a DM.
I asked chad longworth who is a partner with them via DM and he said average for good hitters is around 8 inch.
Thank you Dominik. I think we will try that Swingrail device to see if this reduces his casting a bit.
If you want it cheaper you can also just clamp a ball in the top Hand elbow. You can also do the cano drill.
Is there an issue with that at all though? 8-12 doesn't sound to bad if good hitters average 8. The negative videos for that I found had like 20 inches so this is probably not bad.