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well,ladies and gentelman,I recieved the hard truth today. For those of you that dont know,I have a stress fracture on my spine from catching. This is the 2nd time it has occurred within one year. This newest injury has been ongoing since October,and it will run until at least July I was told today,based off the MRI.

To everyone who has ever given me advice on this site,I just would like to thank you very much.I found this site as a freshman in high school, and had no clue as to what the scouting process was or what a showcase was. Through this site,I learned about proper baseball workouts,and also about showcases, and what I needed to do to get in front of the right people. I certainly applied what I learned on this site into my baseball life,and that made it more enjoyable,which was often hard given some politics surrounding my high school team.

Anyway, I have played my last game as a baseball player.Its hard to picture that the game I have played since age 7 will never be there for me again,but its the truth. I have sat out all of this season,and had hoped I would be fine by conference play,but thats not the case. I have some JUCO opportunities,but I will pass on them,and head to the Univ. of Missouri. I just dont have that fire in me like I used to, because the rehab for this is pretty tough.

My best advice to any person still playing is play your tail off.You never know when it will be your last time to do so.If you would have told me that my final game would have been in August of 2008, I would have laughed.

Again,I thank everyone who has given me guidance in baseball. It certainly almost turned out well,up until last October.
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Anyway, I have played my last game as a baseball player.Its hard to picture that the game I have played since age 7 will never be there for me again,but its the truth. I have sat out all of this season,and had hoped I would be fine by conference play,but thats not the case. I have some JUCO opportunities,but I will pass on them,and head to the Univ. of Missouri. I just dont have that fire in me like I used to, because the rehab for this is pretty tough.

I am very sorry to hear this news Frown You are one of my very favorite posters on this site and I have much respect for the obstacles that you have overcome. Perhaps you can still be involved with the game in some way (coaching, scouting, adult leagues, etc.). Either way, all the best to you at the Univ. of Missouri. That sounds exciting indeed! Smile
27, sorry to read about your injuries. I know that it is a very tough decision, but it sounds like you are keeping a pretty good perspective on things.

Remember, this doesn't have to be the end of the game for you. I know you may not be thinking about it now, but you can stay involved by coaching, learning, teaching the game. This is how the game carries on from generation to generation. We play, the game decides when it's time for us to move on, we reflect, we learn, we coach, we instruct, and we pass it on.

Good luck at Mizzou and with all that you may do.
Last edited by getagoodpitchtohit

Sorry to hear of the situation but from one old guy with a back problem, fracture half way up and compression at the base of the spine, get the back healed first and foremost.

You are young enough to allow it to heal properly so you do not have problems later on in life--rainy days like today can be a killer

So sorry to hear of your injury. My son missed his entire senior season with a broken leg. But a back issue sounds serious to say the least. It has been great reading your posts over the years. You write very well and clearly have a good head on your shoulders as well as maturity beyond your years.

I am sure you will find success and happiness in any endevour you choose to focus your efforts on.

Stick around, you have a lot to offer here.
I'm sorry that it's time for you to hang 'em up! Even under the best of circumstances, that's an adjustment for someone who has lived ball and must now leave it behind. Know that others understand, and have confidence you'll take the life lessons learned in ball and apply them in other great ways! Good luck with the back!!
good luck at school and remember things can still happen. after my release from the cardinals organization I loved the game so much I continued playing in a college league and mens senior baseball league. when the strike hit in 1995 8 yrs after my release at the age of 36 I was asked by the tigers to be a replacement player. what a joy and a heck of a lotta fun hanging out with al kaline and getting him coffee every morning...never say never.....
You sound like you've got your head in the right place. Take care of your body first - you have to live in it, no matter how long baseball lasts! I have a feeling baseball will always have a place in your life - a different place maybe, but a place nonetheless!

Take care, drop in and let us know how you're doing!

All the best -
I am very sorry to hear of this misfortune.

BUT -- just because your original dream of college ball is done doesn't mean you can't enjoy playing ever again.

When you're 100%, try to the club team at your college. When you're home, look for an 18 & up league. No, it's not Division I.

But it's still the greatest game ever invented. And maybe playing not for advancement, but just for fun, is just what the doctor ordered.
I learned just as you, that it all ends in a moment sometimes. It's tough to take at first, but time heals all wounds (mentally at least).

Best of luck to you in college. Apply the same leadership and tenacity to life that you did to catching and good things will be in store.

Enjoy, the ride's just starting.
If you're interested in staying active in baseball, I would suggest contacting the coach at Mizzou (you may have already been in touch with him during recruting) and see if he could use some help on a volunteer basis. Explain your situation, tell him you love the game and you want to be around the game in some capacity, and I'll bet he can find a way to use your skills. It may lead to a coaching career or a scouting career...or it may just be four years of a lot of fun with a top D1 baseball program before you get a job in the "real world".

Missouri has established a pretty darned good baseball program, so you would certainly be learning from some quality coaches. Then just see where that of my biggest regrets is NOT doing exactly this when I got to college and realized my playing days were through.
27....i'm truly sorry about your injury! you've received some great advice from everyone....when you're ready, the game will have a place for you! it's one of the things i've learned over the years.....the game has a special place for all of us!!!

best of luck to you at mizzou.....enjoy your time spent there.

yours in baseball,
L8 breaking

From the eyes of a catcher’s father, I want you to know that we have thoroughly enjoyed reading everything you have written on this board. You are very advanced emotionally as a young man, and I see much success in your future. Every bit of information you provided on this board has helped my son and the way he approaches the game and life. Please continue to hang out here as you have much to offer. And like others have said, I am sure that if you choose some future around the game of baseball, you will be very successful. In fact, there is no doubt in my mind that you will end up as a gold standard to many of those you come in contact with, whether that be in business, sports, and most definitely life in general. Your parents should be very proud of their son and what he has become.

17 and I talk a lot about what will happen after baseball, as that day always arrives, and your story will now take its rightful place as another example of the courage it will take when that happens. God bless you and good luck at Mizzou.
fc, you're never out of the game you love. There are so many opportunities awaiting you, should you choose, that will allow you to continue to swing the stick and flash the leather and share your experience - adult league softball is an absolute blast, and coaching is an amazing opportunity to stay in the game and share your love of it. Many options, but they will wait for you as you heal, get your degree, etc. The game will always be there for ya in one way or another, that's how faithful it is to those who have a passion for it!
Thanks for the kind words everyone. It has been a rough 24 hours,and I certainly am just shocked I will never play again. I feel like a part of me died yesterday,so it was a very empty feeling today watching us play a double header.

It is flattering to read what was written. I just wanted to thank everyone on here for the help they had provided over the years,and never charged a cent for it. I seriously wouldnt know about the recruiting process,and wouldnt have even gotten as far as I did without the parents,coaches,players,and scouts on HSBBW. It was just always an uphill battle for me since late 2007,with the back injuries. Last summer,I went to multiple camps,though admittedly I wasn`t in the best physical form since there was such little time between injuries and season and playing time(in the case of PG,23 days to prepare after the season and rehab in 08). Nevertheless,I had so much fun at PG,and in particular the K-state camp. Me and a close teammate of mine made the drive,and it was honestly the most fun I ever had playing not only baseball,but just talking ball and life with my bud.

I guess baseball has been my escape.I have had such a terrible two year run of health, and other events such as near fatal car accidents(yes,twice,not my fault luckily) and family problems(mother has had a heart attack and my sister is home from school now as she relapsed with her personality disorder)that playing baseball with my best friends in games for 3 hours a day was just the best thing in the world. Then I ponder on how much work I put into the game,especially these last two summers,and I just feel like its time that went for nothing.

Oh well so many thoughts have been racing through my mind for the last 24 hours. Trojan, I choose Mizzou because of the high job placement they have with internships. I am actually doing business,and a minor in psychology. But with business,I hope to focus on sports marketing and management,and they have a good rep of getting students in with KC and STL. I also will be calling up coach J at mizzou to see what I can do to help the baseball team. I certainly dont think it can hurt to try anyway,all he can say is no. Im excited for mizzou,but its also very bittersweet. I know I wouldnt be there with baseball in my life.

again,thanks everyone for the help since grade 9. I will def. stick around and hopefully shoot a few pointers out myself if I can answer a question or something.
You just proved me right. You are a young man with your head squarely planted on your shoulders. Tough lives make tough men (and women!) Hang in there - good things are going to happen for you. You've made life long friends from your time on the field - you can't ever replace that.

Stay in the game in whatever way you can - you have much to offer my friend.
I also will be calling up coach J at mizzou to see what I can do to help the baseball team. I certainly dont think it can hurt to try anyway,all he can say is no.

That is the absolute truth. The worst he can say is no. I had that same philosophy when I was applying for a couple pro sports internships this summer. There was nothing they could do to ruin me. They could only tell me "no."

Keep it up

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