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I am very sorry to hear of this. You announced it and explained it the same way you conducted yourself for years on this site - with maturity beyond your years and a heck of a lot of class.

I'll add to the chorus encouraging you to stay involved on this site. You have been a big part of it, and I think you have lots to offer.

Godspeed to you.
FC27, of all the posts here on HSBBW, these are the hardest ones to read. They remind me that at any day my son (catcher) may be playing his last game. You go into this sport with high hopes and dreams not knowing when it will all end. This site has good advice and support and I could not agree more about all the wisdom and information here. Thanks to Jerry at PG for offering to help you further down the road. Take good care of yourself and let us know how MIZZOU goes. Sincerely, Pop up.

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