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Illinois High School game. Runner on 1b 2 outs bottom of the 7th, Pitcher in the stretch Starts to deliver to plate and a Balk is called, Batter hits a home run what is the call.
The Major league rule states that the offensive team can take the outcome of the play or the balk, but I thought in IHSA it is called a Balk and it is an immediate Dead ball. Can you help me out on this one.
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As CB said it's an imediate dead ball. No play may happen after it is called. However you are incorrect on the pro rule. The is no option on a balk call in OBR. This is another rule myth. In OBR it is a delayed dead ball and if pitched, all runners must advance one base safely and the BR must attain first. If any of these conditions aren't met then the balk is enforced. The only exceprtion is if the pitch is a wild pitch, the count is two balls or less, and all runners advance. If the pitcher balks and throws to a base then all runners must advance one base or you enforce the balk.

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