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My father died 24 years ago when I was only 19. Therefore he never got to see either one of his grandchildren.

One of the things I remember is actually one of the very last conversations I had with my dad. He talked about my brother loving basketball so much - said he thought it must be the KY in his blood. He shared how baseball was his passion when he was growing up. I certainly had no idea what those words would mean many years later when his one and only grandson developed a passion for the game he spoke so fondly of. I can tell you I have thought of him many, many times over these years - that was often at the ballpark! I've missed him alot!

Happy Father's Day to all of our HSBBW dads! You're all the greatest!
Well…Bullwinkle’s Dad is alive and still kicking my buttocks allover the golf course. Played him and my fat old brother from Vashon today, and ****… Dad did it again.

Now, Bullwinkle has had his revenge, when Dad turned 70, I asked him what he wanted for his Birthday.

“A new set of Irons and a new putter. Now Bully, don’t go cheap on me again. I want a great set.” Dad said

So, I let him do the research and then we went shopping. We got him measured, tested and did all the customization the sales man wanted to do.

A couple of weeks later, a new set of Irons and Putters is delivered to my dear old Dad…Dad calls me up a month later and tells me that his handicap lowered to a 8.

“Bully, I really want to thank you for these clubs; I’ve won each week at my Men’s Weekly.” Now this Men’s Weekly, is a group of geriatric golfing buddies Dad plays twice a week with. The winner gets his lunch paid at Sizzler. Well, a free lunch to my old Pop is as good as meeting Jesus at the pearly gates and Jesus saying “Come on in Tom, you know…. the green fees are waved for you!”

Dad couldn’t have been happier; on the other hand I couldn’t have been more disheartened. Dad lowering his handicap means more buttocks kicking around the course by a 70 year old.

Ten years goes by, Bullwinkle still hasn’t fairly won a game vs. my Dad.

(I did beat him once when he was 78, Dad had just gotten out of the hospital from a ****** hemorrhoid surgery…as I drove him home from the hospital, I asked him if he wanted to play a round on the way home. I knew his competitive nature would kick in and agree. He did. I won. I even made him buy me a lunch at Sizzler.)

On my Dad’s 80th birthday, I again ask him what he wants for his birthday…

“Bully, I still really love those irons you got for me, but I would love a new set of woods!”

So, again I let him do the research and then we went shopping. We got him measured, tested and did all the customization the sales man wanted to do. I take my Dad home happily looking forward to his new set of woods. Here we go again, me buying the very set of weapons of my own annihilation. After I get Dad home, Bullwinkle goes back to the golf shop for a little modification on those woods.

A couple of weeks later, a new set of Woods are delivered to my dear old Dad…Dad calls me up a month later and tells me that his handicap has risen.
Dad tells me, “Bully, I started with an awful hook, then I over compensated and then I started to slice. I can’t get out of this funk, I’ve even began to alice my puts! I’ve had to pay each week at Sizzler. Bully, you know I hate to pay”


“Dad, I’m sorry to hear about this. Maybe we can get together Friday and maybe I can look at your swing and help you get out of this funk.”

“Bully, I can’t. I’m playing in Laughlin this weekend in the Golf and Grumble tournament, so how about next Friday?”

Monday rolls around and I get a call from my Dad at the office. My secretary, tells me he seems upset.

“Bully, you ****ing *******. Those woods you gave me are ****. I teed off on the second hole and the club split in two. Only you would drill a hole offset then fill the hole with lead. Are all the woods like that? I’ve been playing for two months with doctored pieces of ****. It was the clubs, not me. Bull, you owe me a new set of woods and 8 lunches at Sizzler. When I see Jesus, I’m going to tell him about this! I bet your going to have to pay for golf in hell!”

Bullwinkle does love his 85 year old Dad and I may have lost my soul, but it was worth it.

Happy Fathers Day!
Last edited by Bullwinkle
I opened this thread thinking I would see the normal holiday well wishes. I actually got a little sad reading the posts from those that will be spending tomorrow w/ their Dads no longer around. My heart goes out to you all and hope that the time you got to spend w/ your fathers was great and filled with thousands of happy memories that you will be reflecting on. I know that the phone call to my Dad will be a little more special in the morning knowing how fortunate I am to still have him around. In addition, this will be my 2nd Father's Day as a Dad (my wife and I have 16 month old boy/girl twins) and I look forward to spending some time with those little ones.
I loved this post because it made me refocus - I lost my dad two weeks before my son was born - boy he would have loved my son and I'm sure he does.

I thought fathers day now was about me but you all helped me put the correct light on fathers day. I was always a basketball nut but my father loved baseball to the point where he gave up his beloved Red Sox and became a Senators fan because they were the local team and he hoped to have me see the "light". I never did but his legacy is alive in my son.

Happy Fathers Day to all especially those that are above!
Last edited by catcher09
Yeah, I lost my paternal grandpa two days ago. It makes me realize how much my dad means to me. Living with mom and 5 sisters, he is what I got. My only guy to talk about the braves with, only one to fish with, to talk Nebraska football with, to talk politics with, to learn how to be a man from. Happy Fathers Day from Alaska!!
Dad passed about a year before my boy was born so he never got to see this grandson. He had a whole mess of others, but none from his sons before he was gone. I can only imaging how spoiled that kid would be if dad were still around. He was an unbelievable father. It seems unfair that he's gone at times, but I have to realize, he was needed and wanted somewhere else. For that I can be happy and always proud of my pop.

Quick, really cute story. When Aidan was 3 I was putting him to bed one night and we were really in a zone. He was talking and asking all sorts of questions. I was doing my best to dodge the tough ones. He asked about "poppy". Asked me if I missed him. After we had talked about dad for a bit he told me that his "mimi" had told him that he was a special gift to me from God. He said that God had given him to me to fill the hole in my heart. The hile is still there, but it's more liek a well now. I well of knowledge and memories that I have with my dad. I get to go to that well all the time and bring up things that help me from day to day. My boy is going to be a better man and I am a better father and husband because of dad. Thanks

Wow, that came out way to easy. Felt kind of good too. Thanks all for the opportunity to share here. Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there.

In October of 2000 I lost my best friend my dad. There is not a day that goes by I do not think about him. I miss him and time has not changed anything for me. It seems like yesterday to me. This weekend I was at East Carolina watching my 08 play and I thought about how much fun my dad would have had watching Jeff play baseball at this age. He never missed games when he was a little guy and he never missed any of my oldest sons football games. He loved to see them play. I loved to see his face and the smile on it when he got to watch them play. Dads are special people. I wanted to be a special dad because my dad was special. I can read all of your posts and see that I am not alone at all. We all feel that same way and I wish all of you a great fathers day and I know that your dads were special guys.
This is Catch R's mom... my own father just can't understand why so much of my life and my husband's is spent schlepping to the ball field or on the ball field watching our baseball loving son play. He thinks we have no life... he is so wrong! Our older son is a Marine, thankfully safe for now, but I realize how quickly these years go by. There is nothing better in life for us than to sit and watch Corey play. Sometimes it is agonizing, like when he strikes out or botches a play, but most of the time it is heaven. I leave any other troubles or worries at home and sit and watch the boys play. I tell my husband that this is cheaper than therapy for me... I will be so sad when he stops playing or he has his own car (soon) and I don't have an excuse to take him to his games. I think knowing the precarious balance of any life, and thinking of our older son, makes me appreciate these days so much more. I'm sorry my Dad does not understand, but I will cherish every chance we get to watch my son play, until he doesn't any more! Happy Father's Day to all... Moms and Dads! Love your kids!!
Originally posted by futurecatcher27:
Growing up with just my mom and sister makes me realize what I am missing sometimes

Happy fathers Day to ALL!!!!

futurecatcher - I and I'm sure many of the other dads here officially adopt you. I need a new razor by the way (lol). Take care of those special ladies you have! God Bless!
I don't want to remember what the first Father's Day without my dad was like....I still miss him every day....But I thought I could share something with everyone that might hit a spot...even though this is two days late I think it is important to share.

Now I am the Dad and I think of things that matter to me and I know would have mattered to my Dad. I have wanted to share this story with someone but I didn't want to brag about my boy, my son who my father never saw or even knew I had, you see because my first son was born three years after my dad died.

Last Friday morning my son and I shared breakfast at a hotel in San Anotnio Texas while waiting to play that day in the San Antonio Sliders Invitational. His mom and I are divorced and I had agreed to let him be with her this weekend so he could play ball and I could be at home with my 3 other children.

I ask a lot of my boy...I except a lot from him and I tell him so...he is 6' 3" and 215lbs and throws in the upper 80's as a 15 year old....but I tell him I love him just as often if not more. On my 40th birthday I asked him for a homerun....he hit one for me and got the W as the pitcher.

Last Friday morning I asked him for a complete game, I told him it didn't have to be a perfect game or even a shut-out just a complete game win. That was what I wanted for my Father's day present and I told him so. He hadn't ptiched more than 4 innings since last August (2005).

On that Friday afternoon my son did pitch a complete game and it was a 2 - hit shut out that his team won 1-0. I cried like a baby that night as I drove home to Dallas and left him there with his Mom.

He called me on Father's Day when they got home from San Antonio and we didn't say much...I just thanked him for my present and said good night son and he said good night dad.

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