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Happy Father's Day to all of you great dads out there!

I miss my Dad who is no longer with us, and truly appreciate the dad of my two sons. And I can honestly say that most of the OTHER best dads I've ever met, are HSBBWeb dads.

Some dads teach their sons everything they know about baseball, and much of what they know about life.

Some dads might not know a lot about the game, but "pitch in" as their son's tireless chauffeur and biggest fan (next to mom). Smile

And some dads show their love and support by missing many of their son's games because they are working to support the family and fund their son's dream.

To all the dads out there, for all of the different ways you support your sons AND daughters and show your love...

I hope you have a wonderful day on Sunday. Happy Father's Day!

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Thank you very much! Both of my boys are away. One grown up with a family of his own a beautiful baby girl "Molly Ann." She is 6 weeks old so I am a grand pa now! The other away playing ball. Its a little lonely around here at times. I do have my team and we are off this weekend. I miss my dad and wish he were here so I could spend some time with him. Thanks , the older I get the more I appreciate someone thinking of me!
We got rained out too (city crew way jumped the gun... could have easily played a couple of hours later)... so we headed to the pool and had some good family time, after I grilled some killer-chicken!

I talked to my dad, he's a widower now after 58 years of marriage so his day was a tough one, but he did have some grandkids around to enjoy...

Have a great evening everyone...
The Gateway Grizzlies celebrated Father's Day Friday night as they opened up the field to kids and their fathers to play catch with baseballs that were the giveaway that night. I guess they probably had 10-15 minutes to be out on the field between BP and the time needed to prep the field for the game. There didn't seem to be a whole bunch of people out on the field, but those out there seemed to enjoy themselves.

They played this quote which was perfect..

"Ray Kinsella: Hey... Dad?
[John turns]
Ray Kinsella: [choked up] "You wanna have a catch?""

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