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Thanks, iheart!

Mine is already over as it's 7am Monday morning! Yesterday, I took the boys to a real ballfield down on the river where they could work off a real mound instead of the portable for a change. I caught for them. Took some abuse back there, strapped into the tools of ignorance, but it's all good on Father's Day!

Then, took daughter 'designer t-shirt' shopping with a couple of her friends.

Next - naptime. Glorious!

Finally, a KBO pro game. Nexen Heroes vs Doosan Bears.

It was a nice Father's Day!
My son sprained his knee Saturday and couldn't play today. So what did we do? In 90 degree heat and high humidity we went to the Wilmington - Winston-Salem game. Wilmington has a kid name Hosmer with a sweet swing.

Son gets runner up Dope of the Year to Kendry Morales. He scores on a short passed ball when the catcher couldn't find the ball right away, gets excited, jumps up and trips on the side of the plate twisting his knee. The good news is until then he showed his instincts and speed on the play. He's day to day.
I know I'm a couple of days late but must say that I spent my father's day at the place I would most want to be these days. And it was a long day.

We arrived at the field at 9AM Sunday and pulled into our driveway at 1 AM Monday. And this was only with a one hour drive. Four games starting from 10:15 to 9:30pm. A two hour reprieve at TGI Friday's for lunch, a lot of water and 4 games. The perfect father's day.

This is my last summer go around so I'm not complaining. I'll surely miss it next year.
Last edited by fillsfan

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