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HV ...

I actually thought it was funny, even if I am an old prude. And now I have to re-submit my ghostly good-bye since you apparently deleted the whole darn thread.

Bye-bye ...

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We learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp; some are dull; some are pretty;
some have weird names; all are different colors.
And they all have to learn to live in the same box.
I'd like to know what all the girl's are
dressing up as????

And an early Christmas present (As long as we're talking holidays)...

Just saw some great slippers in the Norm Thompson catalog. They are suede slip-ons available with school logos and school colors:
Oklahoma (Ann), Penn State (Kathy), Notre Dame (Irish), UCLA (bbscout), Clemson (Lou) and more.
Go to:
and click on footwear...4th on right
To see teams available:

By the time you learn how to play the game...
You can't play it anymore ~ Frank Howard
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Well considering that my family swears I wear my costume all year long Confused...and that is as the Wicked Witch of the East... I was thinking of going out dressed as Elvira...BUT...I will have to get me one of those Wonder Bras as there is not a thing on this body that is going North lately it is all going South Eek

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Chill - thanks for the tip on the slippers! They even have my alma mater (University of Wisconsin). Of course, since they are warm slippers, it would make sense....
For Halloween I'm going to dress up as a middle aged mom going to a football game - that's scary enough for most. CatchersMom - glad to hear that you're the WW of the East - you'll be happy to know that my kids have thought I was the WW of the West for years -- particularly when it came to things like curfew, cars, allowance, etc...
P.S. I thought the wonder bra was so named because for the last few years I've been wondering -- what in the heck happened to my waistline - I knew it's around here somewhere... Confused

"Dear Pastor, Please say a prayer for our Little League team. We need God's help or a new pitcher. Thank you. Alexander. Age 10"
UKMB ...

You're looking for your waist? Heck, I thought the Wonderbra was so named because some of us are wondering how we're supposed to get the darn thing low enough to fill it up ... 14

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We learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp; some are dull; some are pretty;
some have weird names; all are different colors.
And they all have to learn to live in the same box.
I always answer "what's your costume' with that great line from The Addams Family: "I'm a serial killer....they look just like anyone else." It requires no effort and it's very, very scary..... Razz


And a Happy Samhain to all The Ladies. This was the holiday in the Celtic calendar that marked the end of the summer season (light) and the beginning of the winter season (dark). That's why we 'celebrate' the scary frighten away the evil influences of dark and guarentee a safe winter.

I think it's (I don't know, almost comforting) that we still celebrate an evolved holiday that was celebrated several thousand years ago.

Party time!


From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
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I think, as your friend, I will dress you this evening.
To alleviate your "Hip Pain" and to make sure your knee is not compromised....I will supply you with a peg leg. You can be Hook...I will be Peter. And Tinkerbell can sprinkle fairy dust all over you and make you good as new...

Feel Better!!!

By the time you learn how to play the game...
You can't play it anymore ~ Frank Howard
HM ...

Gee, is that a Halloween curse I didn't know about? Only problem with that ... next Halloween, I would be known as the "recently divorced" H-mom ... 14

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp; some are dull; some are pretty;
some have weird names; all are different colors.
And they all have to learn to live in the same box.
Happy Halloween to all my lady friends.. I will spend the evening partially handing our candies, partially at HS Homecoming game and somewhere squeezing in a Bday dinner for me.. (tomorrow)..but mostly missing my oldest on his 19th Birthday, for some reason a 19th school, on halloween, on a Friday and on homecoming weekend seemed to appeal to him more than coming home Big Grin.. Wonder why Roll Eyes


and Happy Halloween to All!!

"Baseball, it is said, is only a game. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole."


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