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Merry Christmas to everyone. Happy Hanukkah as well.

As we celebrate this holiday season and receive gifts, remember that the greatest gift has already been given.

My message to my students:

Take time to hug your parents.

Take time to talk to an Aunt or Uncle that you don't really know. They really want to know you.

Take time to be reflective of all that you have and to realize that we live in the greatest country in the world.

Take time to appreciate our servicemen. They will stand on the line during this holiday season making sure that we are safe and sound.

Take the time realize that when you have all that you want to eat, have received the gifts that you want, and feel that you have had a very nice Christmas, that you might not get a chance again to be with your loved ones again and so, enjoy every minute of these special holidays. (I discribe to my students that my folks aren't doing well and so, we are thankful for every time we get together.)

Here is hoping that your Holiday Season is joyful.

Last edited by CoachB25
Yes, Merry Christmas to all.....

To add to what CoachB25 wrote....

We hosted my family last night--only 23 of us, which never seemed like a lot when the children were small, but let me tell you, 23 mostly adult-sized people takes up a lot more room than 23 kid-sized people. My house isn't very big, at least not as compared to my siblings' homes. What makes Christmas gatherings different at my home is that we are all together in one living room, not scattered in multiple rooms throughout the house, watching tv and stuff...One of my children pointed out to me that we are all together as a family and talking--all the cousins, and the aunts and uncles and gramma. It was really very nice. And then, when we ate dinner, we had the "adult table", the "young adult table" and the "girl table"....and because they all had just been sitting together conversing, it wasn't awkward at the dinner tables, like it usually was. For the first time, I felt ok that my house isn't as big as my siblings' houses. Bigger is not always better.

It's been a difficult year for a lot of families; no exception for mine. We learned that we don't need to get a lot of "stuff" for Christmas--we don't really need much....One of the nicest presents I received was witnessing one of my children being extraordinarily pleasant to one of the siblings--on two separate occasions. And last night, the two boys went out together--a first, I think. All is well with my world.

So as we continue with thoughts and feelings of good cheer, I think of the families who are separated--both physically and emotionally. I think of the families who know they won't be together next year, and those who don't know that they won't. And I pray that we have the strength to cope with whatever comes our way. Merry Christmas. Be of good cheer. Thank you for being a part of my world. I wish you peace and blessings. I love you all.
Last edited by play baseball

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