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As has become tradition, when we come to the end of the year and a few days prior to Christmas, MST and I like to take this opportunity to thank the HSBBW Umpire family for another wonderful year. The opportunity to come together, discuss, share and help others through this sport we all love, is outstanding.

First off, MST and I always want to thank Julie (mn mom) for keeping the site up and running.......many of us do not know how much time and personal $$'s that it takes to keep this site open and for that we are grateful....

As Moderators, Michael S Taylor and I are proud to say, that the "ask the umpire" forum has required almost no moderation.......that to me is a compliment to the umpires who post here. That does not mean we have not had our contested issues this year, but it does mean that they were handled like gentlemen.

We all understand that this is a Parent/Coach/Player site and that baseball is a passionate sport, and we have fielded questions from all with professionalism and without ill feelings...

Parents, Coaches and Players!....Thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve......

Michael and I always like to thank the Umpires who have dutifully posted and contributed to this "Ask the Umpire" Forum. You all have been a credit to our calling and truly we are a band of brothers in blue...

To Michael S. Taylor- many heartfelt thanks...

I am indebted for your friendship, guidance and advice through the years and our continuing contact through all mediums.....Thanks my friend!

And to our Senior Umpires:

Jimmy 03
Dash Riprock
3 Fingered Glove
Mr umpire

You have actively assisted those who came to this site looking for help and we are proud to post among you....your experience and knowledge is greatly appreciated. I do not think we have ever had such a talented and experienced crew who regularly post and assist our members....


You have rounded out our crew with great knowledge and timely asisstance. I always look forward to all your contributions.....

Also not to forget any of those who have contributed greatly and haven’t stopped in for a while or who remain infrequent, But have also posted:

Jeff Connell

If I have missed any umpire who posted I apologize but I appreciate your contributions.....

Best wishes my friends for a joyous blessed Holiday season and a wonderful and prosperous new year!
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I would like to add my thanks and a wish for a very happy holidays to all the posters that frequent the board. Although PIAA and I have never met in person I count him as a good friend and a very capable contemperary. We have talked on the phone, emailed, PMed and posted back and forth, I feel we could walk on a field and complement each other seamlessly. Trust me, one of these years we are going to do exactly that.
As always Julie gets a huge thanks for all she does to keep things going. I moderate several boards and this is by far the easiest, we almost never have to touch anything, and believe me, that is a joy.
Happy Holidays to everyone here.

I don't frequently post, but I always read. The discussions are very inciteful and as piaa pointed out, more skewed to the analytical than the attacking.

I feel comfortable asking questions here because I know I'll get an accurate answer and not be chastised for asking the question.

I wish you all a safe, prosperous and healthy New Year!
Hey umps (I never use the term blue as I find it disrespectful):

Happy Holidays. You guys are an important piece of the game and I appreciate your efforts. I get to work with honest, hard working umps every year... and although we don't always agree, we are on the same page (letting young guys compete and enjoy this game) 99.9% of the time.

Best wishes for a prosperous 2012.

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