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To all you ladies out there, biological mothers or not, who have poured your love, nurturing and concern into young men and women - hat tip.

Many of you even help to make playing baseball possible.  I know my mom threw hours of bp to me in LL with her weak and erratic right arm (I'm so thankful I had not yet learned to take the ball up the middle.  I didn't see my first L-screen until we moved to a more affluent town when I was in 10th grade).  She played a little catch, washed uniforms, and made sure I was at the park on time fed and hydrated.

I know that many of you are there to support sons, daughters, nieces and nephews, children in your neighborhood, Sunday School class, school classroom, etc.   That is perhaps that much more special.

Thanks for all you do.


P.S. Any way that we can get y'all to stop that screaming bloody murder thing in the back ground of youtube videos when your son gets a hit or strikes someone out. 

I am that wretch.

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Received a text from my son, asking if he can bring his girlfriend to our Mother's Day bbq. 

I was a little surprised because her parents also live close to the school where he plays baseball and she plays softball. Figured she'd spend the evening with her parents after her game.

Then it hit me. They're both hungry athletes. Texted him back: "Are you two double dipping and getting both moms to feed both of you on Mother's Day."

"Uh, yeah."

That's my boy.

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