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Originally posted by 20dad:
this hasn't been the best year for us as a family.for far to many reasons. but usually after a few minutes reading here i get a grin going.

thank you all and have a happy thanksgiving.

20dad, I know your pain.

If you took this year at face value you could say it was an awful, awful year. Started in December, my wife became very ill. I took a leave of absence (no money) for four months to care for her. My sister-in-law went through with a nasty divorce. The dog ran away. I was laid off in August, still no luck on new job. This year stunk!

Or did it? My wife and I just got back from dinner – we are closer now then probably any time in our lives. When I told the kids I was laid off they came up with some very ingenious schemes to get back at my former company. Of course I said no but I appreciated that they had “my back”.

My son and I have always been very close but the coolest thing is my daughter and I are now very tight. My wife is doing great. We adopted a dog from the pound. And somehow we keep paying the bills.

I have absolutely no idea what the future holds and at the age of 49 that is scary. But every day, I see gifts from God.

May the good Lord bless you all and your families!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: if any one knows a company that needs a very good process/project manager let me know
I will second or third the thought that this has been a "challenging" year - a few major things have not gone as hoped for our family. But just past each bump in the road, there seems to be some hidden gem that we would have missed if we didn't slow down for that bump.

I am thankful for the wonderful community of friends here in our forums, and of course thankful for so much more. God bless all of you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

You all wouldn’t believe the positive responses (PMs) I received from members. I think there used to be a day when you were friends with all the neighbors but that seems to be diminishing. Most our friends are now baseball people,

I was not looking for sympathy with my original post but as I have witnessed over the years baseball folks just tend to rally to help any one out. The intention of my post was to tell 20 that stuff happens and we will survive. Baseball people are great and understand the good times as well as the bad, All of our sons are and will be All-stars based on the lessons of baseball –no matter what they do in life.

To 20, and others that sent me PMs, I do feel your pain, but I also see that pride when you talk about your son. I try to keep my head up every day and also teach that trait to my kids. Some times its hard….but look at that young man you raised – he is terrific isn’t he. Job well done my fellow posters.

To the old timers, folks like MNMOM, Fungo, PG, 44, TR, FO, SSMom, Rob, TPM, just to name a few. You don’t need to post here – you do it for the kids and I and others are extremely grateful!

Son and I went to the field today, it was cold (65) and he was disappointed. No HRs. Just 300 foot line drives to both sides. Of course I gave him compliments cleverly hidden as grief. For some reason he tackled me and started giving me some unwarranted kidney punches. I would have kicked his butt, but I thought I might want to let my 6ft, 185Lb sophmore son win one every once and a while. Great time!!!!

One line from a PM: Here's hoping that the up-turn will begin very soon. I'll tuck you into my prayers for heath and prosperity.

One other: via e-mail: Wow, I just found you on, VERY impressive!

Awesome people! No awesome People!!!

Have a great T-Giving and May God Bless you all!!!
we do have so many things to be thankful for in life. sometimes it takes hard times to really see what we have,and be thankful for it. health, family and friends.make us prosperous. i really do want to thank you all. for the entertainment,as well as sharing family story's,baseball encounters's kind of like a readers digest.

as my beutiful bride say's, things happen for a reason. happy thanksgiving everyone
Last edited by 20dad
Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone gets a big piece of pumpkin pie….

A Thanksgiving Prayer

"O God, when I have food,
help me to remember the hungry;
When I have work,
help me to remember the jobless;
When I have a home,
help me to remember those who have no home at all;
When I am without pain,
help me to remember those who suffer,
And remembering,
help me to destroy my complacency;
bestir my compassion,
and be concerned enough to help;
By word and deed,
those who cry out for what we take for granted.
Amen." ~ Samuel F. Pugh

“Gobble gobble gobble” ~ Tom Turkey Big Grin
Yep - on the surface a very nasty year. Deaths of loved ones - young ones, health issues, misdirection in loved one's lives. Changes, changes, changes - work, family, friends. Some for the worse - some for the better. Troops in Iraq, young lives lost, terrorism around the globe. Violence at home, drunk drivers, Katrina victims still helpless. Drugs, unwanted pregnancies, divorce rate up....


Thank you God for every morning we wake up, for every morning we have food, shelter, family, church, community. Thank you God for freedom, for liberty and the right to pursue....

Life is good. Life is great. One more year, please - and let us be THANKFUL daily. It could only be worse, and we are a strong people - a strong nation. Bless us all- one and all- globally.
It was reported yesterday night that a young soldier from neighboring Riverside Iowa paid the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq! I know this happens to many, but I couldn’t help thinking about the timing of this tragedy. 21 years old and gone, he was suppose to return home to his family in 10 days. This is not a baseball thing, baseball seems so insignificant at times like this.

No matter how bad I sometimes think things are… It could be worse… I can’t help but think about the family of this young soldier today.

Please everyone be thankful this Thanksgiving. Make sure it’s truly a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sorry for the sad story
An unfortunate TJ injury started the year off on a bad note but I learned from a 21 year old that "shet happens". Some claim that those things happen for a "reason". I was told by this 21 year old that there is no "reason", it's just fate that evolves into a personal challenge. When that personal challenge is realized, is when people look back and associate the result as the "reason".

I learned that, bottom line, your destiny is in your hands and what you get out of a situation is directly related to what you put into it. Sitting back and waiting for a return, or thinking that it will happen naturally, is only cheating yourself. I used to sit back and wait for those returns, no more. If for nothing else this year I thank my son for teaching this old dog that situations affect's my life everyday, and what I do today, will affect my tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Last edited by rz1

Originally posted by PGStaff:
Sorry for the sad story

It is a sad story PG. Yet there is a remarkable story within this sad story.

You may agree or disagree with our government's policy in Iraq and may agree or disagree whether the precious lives of our fellow countrymen and countrywomen serving bravely are worth endangering and even losing for this policy. I happen to support what we are trying to accomplish, but that is irrelevant.

What is relevant is the fact that our courageous and brave soldiers are serving their country, and that is us...all of us. They are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to serve us, to protect us, to do what they feel is necessary to preserve our great freedom-loving country.

They are unselfish, modest, and tremendously admired. They know, more than the rest of us, that without their sacrifice and devotion to this country and its principles that we would not, could not continue as a country. They understand this and they willingly serve us...all of us.

All that we enjoy, all that we treasure, all that we hold dear is vulnerable to loss without an effort to protect it. These brave soldiers do that for us...all of us.

They were not always soldiers and most will not always remain soldiers, but they will always remain, in my heart, the most respected citizens amongst us...all of us.

For these soldiers I am most thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day.

Yes, PG...the loss of one of our finest, brave souls, is sad...everyone of them. Just know that they served us...all of us. They willingly risked their lives and ultimately gave their lives to us...all of us. And if you believe that human life, struggling constantly to be free, is most precious, then you will understand and truly appreciate just how remarkable their story is.

Thank you soldiers...all of you.
Woodman, you are right on. You mentioned the word humble. I have talked with many of these guys and gals and that is one trait they all have in common.

A while back, I picked up the tab for some guys in uniform at an airport (Richmond) and each one of them came to my table to thank me - they were the most polite, profesional, humble men I have ever met - the oldest was 23. This country of ours is in good hands

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