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If Coach palmer does leave harper it has nothing to do with wins or you may want to check your sources

Have you ever spoken to anyone who has played for Coach P? I have known him since I was about 5 and he was highly involved with our program in the mid 90's. He is a great guy and a great baseball person

I played for coach palmer for a year and was around when he inherited at Concordia University program who was winless the season before and he turned them into a conference champion in a few years...back when that conference was loaded with talent. So he must have done something right...and he did it with no support for the University

We have 2 of his kids this summer, and they speak very highly of him as a person and as a coach

So you may want to check your sources...and maybe sit down and have lunch with Coach Palmer...or I can pass on information for the kids that will be playing for us, they could give you a better idea of who coach palmer seems like you are way off
As usual on this site, people take pot-shots with for no good reason. Indians08 is right! Almost any player that has played for or worked with Coach P will vouch for his abilities BOTH as a trainer and a coach.

It amazes me how many people on here continue to use these boards to take random shots at people they have never really taken the time to get to know.

Harper College Baseball is much better off for the time Coach Palmer has already spent there!
by-u.....i play for coach palmer at harper right now and even though you think he mighr not be a good guy, he is. Obviously he is the reasom why i came to harper....he is a great person, coach, and baseball guy...he knows what he is doing and is backed up by a grea staff in jarred foley and paul kosinski....i think i would know just as well as anyone else
yes I do know coach Palmer. Call it pot shots or whatever you want, but the fact remains he never stays in the same place!!!!

Here's a quality guy for you: He charges his players money during practice hours to participate in his whatever the heck he calls it to improve players speed. So he's running around chasing college kids for money. They are practicing during the teams practice time and this clown is charging them money. That's a quality guy for you!

Have you ever heard him tell stories? He always has a kid who runs a 6.4 60 or a kid who throws 92. When the scouts show up they never see it. He's a fabricator!!!

Your experience obviously is different than mine. I didn't know when posting on this website that you had to paint a pretty picture about everyone in the baseball world!!! Not everyone is a great guy or a great coach. This board is for information whether it be good or bad.

K13, like I said I know him and see through him.

indian dude, calm down update your triton website cause I saw they lost to another local team.

lpbaseball, you've been fooled! good luck this year because your club will need it.
I have been trying to figure out if you are bitter or you have something personal against Coach Palmer....which one is it...because there has to be more to this...

Has he moved around a lot? Yeah but for pretty good reasons...He left Concordia for NCC (most of his players followed him) he left NCC when Mathey left (smart move) he left Elmhurst (good idea) to become a head coach at Harper JC.

From when I was about 6 years old Coach Palmer treated me like a son....I used to follow him around on all his atheltic training duties when I was in grade school, he was the reason why I wanted to do yeah I have a biast opinion

We have had at least 20 players players on our ball club from Concordia, North Central, Elmhurst and Now harper who have played for coach palmer and they always have great things to say about my opinion aside...I can base it off of what these players have told me.

"indian dude, calm down update your triton website cause I saw they lost to another local team."

Thats a real man like comment.....I would almost confuse you for one of the high school kids on this site the way you talk

Triton Plays Harper this weekend...Im going to stop out to see my dad and some of the triton well as coach P, Foley and the Harper guys...I will tell coach P you send your best
If Palmer is leaving to coach at Glendale...good for him. There is a strong reason for him leaving to come to AZ and he has been hoping for an opportunity for...hmm...4 years that I know of. No matter what you may think of him, the players that listen and work hard improve....the one's that don't, DON'T. Whether they have to pay him or not isn't really an issue because EVERYONE pays someone to improve their skills. I can tell you there have been times that my son worked with Mike and Mike never charged him. He was always there to listen and give him advice and son only worked with him for 8 months.
I say, good luck MIke...and we'll be looking for you here in sunny AZ.

oh yeah, it happens to be one of the toughest and most scouted conferences in the nation....not a step down by any means!!

I don't have the time, energy, inclination, or creativity to even begin to guess the motivation for your little vendetta.

You are correct on one thing--Coach Palmer has moved around alot (which makes him different from many college coaches how?). The record however is clear. At each stop along the way, the prgram has benefitted from his being there. Most notably in the W-L totals (the turnaround at Concordia speaks for itself). But, at every stop along the way, the talent level has improved, the skillset of those playing has improved, the facilities/equipment has been upgraded, the training and conditioning of the athletes has improved, and the stature of the program has risen.

In my book, sounds like he always leaves things in better shape than he found them.

It's obvious by the response on this thread, that he has earned respect from most that he comes across.

I have been fortunate to work with him twice--and I know I am a better coach for the time I have spent with him.

Glendale CC in AZ is lucky to have him--for however long he stays, and as mde5 points out, the AZ opportunity is something Mike has been looking for. Not sure how you can blame a guy for climbing the ladder properly--leaving every step below in better shape than he found it.

From what I've heard from many that have or do work with him, he will be missed.

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