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The best thing about playing baseball for Harvard is getting a degree from Harvard.

I am not putting down the team...they are a great Ivy team. There are some negatives, though, like weather (cold) and lack of fan support. Also, my daughter tells me that Harvard athletes aren't the celebrities they are at most schools.

But what an receive a diploma from Harvard!!!! Are you kidding me???? That more than makes up for it.
Last edited by Ace
I love riddles so I will take some really wild stabs at this.

1. It has something to do with the Roman numeral four (IV) maybe there were originally four schools in it.

2. Ivy grows on top of maybe it is an allusion to being the "best of the best" kind of thing.

3. Perhaps it is an maybe standing for something like "Intelligence, Veracity, Youth".

4. Is it an acronym for some Latin words?

Obviously, you can tell I am not intelligent enough to attend one of them.
Last edited by Ace
Have to dispute the Ivy name trivia laugh

There was never a (4) IV team league. In the early 1900's Princeton, Yale and Harvard formed the Big Three. In the 1930's a sportswriter coined the phrase ivy referring to the ivy covered walls of many northeastern schools and other sportwriters picked up on this creating over time a fictional "ivy league" that included today's 8 members, plus army and navy.

In the late 40's or 50's the Presidents of the 8 (to be) Ivies formed a coaltion of sorts with respect to athletics as well as academics and dubbed it the Ivy group. This soon then became the Ivy league.

As such, any formal alliance went from 3 (Harvard, Yale and Princton) to eight. There never was a group of 4 (so no IV). the name is just an evolution from a sports writer's pen.
(The other answer though is far more fun).

Now, how 'bout why does the Pac10 have only 9 baseball participants (although they recently did have 10, but not all were Pac10 schools) or why the big10 isn't 10 at all. biglaugh
Last edited by HeyBatter
Dear GitErDone

I saw Matt Hyde working with the Harvard baseball team yesterday afternoon.He runs an instructional clinic for high school kids prior to baseball practice.Infact he was working with my son on a catching drill. It would be shame if he has resigned because he is a nice guy and a very good instructor. But I can ask him or I can call him if you need to know.
As to the JV issue- (in '04) my son was offered a spot on the Harvard JV team for the 2005 season. As I recall they provided a copy of the schedule which was essentially against local Juco teams. As posted above, I was unable to find anything on their website whatsoever regarding a JV program, but the letter from the coach was very specific in this regard as to the JV "invite".

I believe there are other east coast schools that have JV programs. Babson and Johns Hopkins come to mind. Not sure of others. Out here on the West Coast, not heard of any schools that still field JV teams.
GitErDone- if I recall, my son was contacted by them around December/January of his senior year. They indicated that they had already filled their varsity recruits, but had just learned about him and if he was interested they had a spot for him on the JV team for his freshman year. Really not sure how it came about and and while honored by the offer, he didn't pursue it as he had already decided on where he wanted to attend/play.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
For years one of our major goals was to have one of our attendees attend Harvard. Now more than half of Harvard’s roster are former PG attendees. It’s a great feeling!

Head coach Joe Walsh has become a good friend and we would suggest anyone call him if we ever needed a reference.

The biggest thing Harvard has to offer is a HARVARD EDUCATION. Not many can claim that!

Matt Hyde is now the NE area supervisor of scouting for the New York Yankees. He is very talented as all who know him realize.

Joe Walsh is one of the best and most respected college coaches in the country at any level. There have been high draft picks come out of his program. However, it’s still all about getting a degree from Harvard… That’s the big prize!!! And it’s a real big deal!!!!

Being a baseball player at Harvard (varsity, JV, or whatever) is great… Being a graduate of Harvard is much, much greater!
"Just what point in the recruiting process was your son made this offer? Had he already applied or been accepted? Or was he being encouraged to apply? Thanks!"


Coach Walsh recruited my son to play at Harvard. He is honored and has been accepted Early Action to attend with the class of 2010. He went to a camp held at Harvard.

No offer was ever made, the coached said he would like him to come and play; he applied EA. Once he was accepted by admission it was final. As much as you may want to believe the coach has pull he really has very little you must meet the strict Academic standards and the academic index

Good luck

Congratulations to you and your son! I can tell from your posts you have done your homework... obviously your son has done his too... :0)

Please keep us posted on his experience. I believe you will have a lot to share with the HSBB Web community. Your perspective based on your experience will not be shared by most of the participants on this forum. To my knowledge there are only a few parents here with Ivy BB players.

Coach Walsh is great guy… period. We should all be so lucky as to have our sons in his charge.

Regardless of how others viewed some of your questions and posts regarding the Ivy League I believe you were only clarifying in an effort to educate not castigate. Please keep up the good work. We all could use a breath of fresh air!
Last edited by GitErDone
TKD - Congratulations on your son's acceptance. You are correct that the admissions office has the last word in your son's admission to Harvard.

You will do a real service to the HSBaseball web by helping others navigate the confusing world of Ivy baseball. You will also come across many people who think you have 'an attitude' because your son attends Harvard. I ended up leaving the website for a while because someone kept attacking me - now his son attends an Ivy. You are in a unique position - enjoy!
Beenthere: I was just trying to warn him about what he could experience should he post about the Ivies.

I couldn't be more thrilled for you that your son has found a wonderful home. You should be so proud of him. I'm glad you are enjoying your days with him as well. All is good!!!! Definitely no need to apologize! (Isn't it amazing,though, many people's reactions to the school!!!).
May ALL of our posters have your sort of "attitude," NYMom. Your thoughtful, informative posts have helped MANY recruited players and their families fare better than they would have otherwise; particularly as it involves the Ivies. That certainly was the case in our instance, and we'll always appreciate it.

Meanwhile, I'd like to add my congratulations to TKD's son, as well.
Last edited by Prepster

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