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My 13u son absolutely tattooed a shot to LF the other night. Well over the outfielders head and just about to the fence - about 300'.

He's been focusing on pitching this season so his hitting has been pretty mediocre. Until...

LF Hit

Now for the laugh - this is his next at bat...
CF hit

Over the CF's head all the way to the fence in left center.

I didn't even realize my language until watching the video later...

My wife is now passing the video around to her friends with the title, "This is what happens when your husband gets a little too wrapped up in his son's games..."
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Originally posted by NDD:
Nice! Good looking player you've got there. You should hear me when I'm in the cage throwing to him. Not fit for public ears.

When my son and I get frustrated in the cage we play the "Bet ya can't hit me" game when I'm behind the screen.

Note to self..never have the kid pitch to you after playing this game.

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