The boy came home the other day and I directed him to my office, in a stern but fatherly manner. In the past this usually meant a deep and serious discussion on grades( or lack of) curfews, restirctions and everything else in between.
Of course he was apprehensive and nervous about the impending talk. He sat, while I read him an interview by a player from a local paper, it was all about "how good I was " and nothing but I's and Me's for four paragraphs.
As he sat dumfounded as only a 17 year would over this tremendous waste of his time, I told him that the player came across like a complete moron and if he ever had the opporunity to be interviewed, here a few suggestions. I went to schoolin him as Crash Davis did with Meat in Bull Durham on Cliche's. I hit it hard with all the old favorites "I'm taken it one day at a time" "I'm glad that I can just help the team" " My catcher called a really good game" etc, etc...
After about an hour and lots of laughs all was right with the world.
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