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The schedule for my freshman son was hectic and fall baseball was very time consuming, so he had to manage his time very well. He has not been able to return home since the start of the semester and won't until thanksgiving. So during the fall break when there was hardly anyone left on campus and no ball players at all, the head coach invited him over one night to eat dinner, for which we were grateful. The squad games were an insight into his team's talenst and my son's ranking in terms of line up and potential playing time. There are 4 catchers on the team, two sophomores, a transfer junior, and my freshman son, so he's low man on the roster and spent lots of time in the bullpen warming up pitchers. In three games he only got two at bats for which he is 0 and 2. He did throw out a runner at second in the 3 innings he played. He is very content with his status on the squad and has made life long friendships. Overall, it has been a very positive experience. But, I think his grade in one class suffered as a result of how time consuming baseball was for him. He might have done better had he more time to study, but who's to say he would have studied more had he been given more time.
My son is at a JC. they are still in fall ball. They have a game today that I am heading out to in a few minutes. He is living at home so that part is no adjustment.
classes and practice five days a week, worouts at 630 am, we live about 45 minutes away.He has a lab class on Fridays and its tough with games. he has worked it out with coach and teaceher and has missed some of both. after this semester he will not have another friday class at all.
He is a true freshmen and lots of kids are three year guys having redshirted. Some D1 kickbacks(good players). He is hanging and has been starting and hitting high in the line up and has done well. he is working very hard and he is happy.
He is growing up, last night some teammates invited him down to spend the night,it was a thursday, he pondered it and decided with lab at 8am and then a game , and he had some school work he could get done he decided to stay home and be rested for today.
So JC adjustment isnt as hard if they are home but it is still college ball and is very competitve.
Yes the time constarints are really tough. My son tries to keep Friday classes to a minimum in the spring. You miss most classes on Friday due to travel. It isnt easy.
I was also wondering how they performed and it is common to have a couple incumbents infront of you. It is important to be patient and play your heart out to get future playing time. I know my son was frustrated but also accepted his role.
I read the stories in the Freshman Adjustment thread and was hoping to hear more. Particularly about playing time and expectations met or not met. I have seen many guys come home very dissappointed but also many who have really had a great experience. Are the coaches what you expected after the honeymoon is over
My son has all new coaches this year and the buzz around the team is unbelieveble. One teammate told me it is the 1st time in a couple years he has been excited to play.
I saw 2 games this year in the Fall WS and was pleased with the overall performance. There were 7 HRs in the 1st game and it was nice to see some offense . My son pitched shutout innings in the 2 games and his team won them both. They got pizza and watch the losers groom the field. I heard the comments were priceless.
Last year the losers had to buy the winners banana splits which I though was a great idea .
This year I got to stay at my son's apt with his roomies and my wife and daughter with his girl friend in her apt.It was like my college days relived. We also spent the one day with his girl friend and her parents eating like pigs on the best Charleston had to offer. Just a great experience. That is only the second time I have seen my son play in 3 1/2 years. Just a wonderful experience.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
My son was 4-4 today and 5th at bat 385 foot bomb to the wall, they were playing at the wall so they caught it. But 5 quality at bats, no errors at ss.
my son really likes all his coaches,they are tough but fair. They are teaching him a lot.He is battling and doing very well.
I am really happy that he decided to go to a JC. I am hearing from alot of kids at 4 years that arent hardly playing even in the fall. I know you have to earn time, but my son has probably had 70-80- at bats this fall plus if hes a starter another 160 in the spring. that times 2 years is 400 at bats, how can a player sitting for 2 years compete with a guy who has had all those at bats?any way hes getting his gen. ed done and hes maiking lots of friends. great team chemistry on and off the field.
So far so good in all aspects.
IF08 son's college team wrapped up its world series today. Despite being the lightest weight player on the team, son was responsible for all 3 of his team's RBI's in today's championship game and ensured that his team won't have to do weeding duty this fall on the field. Hooray!

Son has had outstanding instruction this fall from all of his coaches. His head coach, who also serves as the hitting coach, has revamped and refined his swing, which son is finally feeling comfortable with.

What a blessing to know he's in such good hands!
Originally posted by Infield08:
IF08 son's college team wrapped up its world series today. Despite being the lightest weight player on the team, son was responsible for all 3 of his team's RBI's in today's championship game and ensured that his team won't have to do weeding duty this fall on the field. Hooray!

Son has had outstanding instruction this fall from all of his coaches. His head coach, who also serves as the hitting coach, has revamped and refined his swing, which son is finally feeling comfortable with.

What a blessing to know he's in such good hands!

That is awesome news!
Mine is in the JC route..well all or most of the Fla JC's have this year become 4 yr schools but for all intents and purposes they are JC's..
He's done really well and kinda bustled and hustled his way into the #1 slot as a frosh..Stayed on his run stingy way..sub-1 at 1 earned over 12 2/3 with opponents hitting a resounding .179 against him..about 3-1 k to bb..earned him a start a week from next Saturday against the Myjammy Hurricanes..we'll see how good he really is then Wink
Last edited by jdfromfla
While I should be used to it after 4 years the lack of information reported about fall baseball at son's school is a sore subject for me.

How hard is it to publish box scores and a short write up after each of the fall series games. I especially feel sorry for the parents of freshman that live a long distance from the college that would like to get a feel for how things went. Of course I get a short recap from my son but it would really be nice to be able to read about how everyone did. They do a good job of it during spring season but apparently so no reason for providing details during the fall. Oh well, spring is coming.
I agree, although there may be some guidance from the AD not to upstage football. There is virtually no news coming from Army baseball until winter. They are even very late releasing their schedule and roster. Some nuggets here and there would certainly be welcome, and not asking too much of people.
There are all sorts of other athletic results being reported on site, so I don't think the upstaging of football would be an issue. I had a joking email to one of the assistants about trying to get a bone tossed our way...mentioning that "the prestigious ACC school my kid turned down to "be all he could be" has had their schedule out for a month and a wonder we're still in Iraq" Big Grin
The silence is deafening.

After a terrible JR year I was very concerned how he would do this year. I actually flew down with wife and daughter to watch the fall WS. As usual Charleston was beautiful.
I got to see my son throw 3 innings and was relieved to see the adjustments we made were doing the trick. The middle game got rained out so they played again after we left. The catcher were totally in charge of the teams. No coaches were involved. The only rule was they had limits on # of innings the Pitchers could pitch. The catchers picked the teams and decided who pitched. The final game was 5 days later and my son got to throw 3 more innings. They won that game 4-0 and ended up winning 2 of the 3 games. Personally I thought they were the unjderdogs after seeing 2 games . The first one they lost 13-8. 7 HRs given up. The second they won 5-1. It was a good game but there was only 1 HR.
The best part was I got to meet the new coaches and most of the team including guys who graduated last year and were still around. Some were doing post grad work and others were working locally. I got to see the cafeteria where my son has worked and it was really nice. Very modern and had been updated a couple years ago.
I also enjoyed meeting the new coaches and listening to their new approach to the BB program. The next few years should be interesting as they build the team and the facilities. The college has a new committment to the BB program.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Bobblehead, glad to hear that your son has made all the needed adjustments and that you and your wife had such a nice time in Charleston. Sounds like a great trip!

Regarding coverage of fall games, I too wish there were something to read online. At least one school does this ( Too bad it's not my son's program.
Natural he is at Charleston Southern. They play against them during the spring session.
College of Charleston is a great team. My son loves that college. He is thinking of taking his masters there.
You will love Charleston. Voted the friendliest city in the USA. It is a great place to be a college student. Lots of warm weather and 3 beaches. This was my 3rd time there and this time we did some tourist things. I intend to be there often in the spring.

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