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I am so proud of my ballplayer. He has worked from HS through his second year in JUCO. Graduated a year earlier than he was suppose to but numbers were through the. Hit .478 his Sr in HS and led in all offensive categories helping the team to the state finals. Played with a guy that went first round their senior year in 2012 and against some guys that were first rounders so the scouts were there. Last fall went to a pro day and ran a 6.43 with a 93 OF velo. Hitting .412 this year in JUCO and still doesn't appear to have any serious looks. But I am not proud of him because of these things, I am proud because he is determined and is not giving up. He tells me that he doesn't want everyone to like him, he just wants to get that one to love him and give him the shot. You have to love that attitude.

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In CA there is a lot of D2 recruiting of JC players towards the end of the season and even into the summer.  My son didn't get D1 offers until late April/May when he was at  a JC.  Perhaps your son should have a talk with his JC coach to see where things are at.


btw, many D1 coaches aren't exactly sure of what they need from the JC's at this point in the year.

Last edited by CollegeParentNoMore

OK, I didn't pick that up from the post. 


I have not seen your son play, however with respect to the draft, your son is a JC outfielder which is a lower interest for scouts unless he pounds the ball out of the park.  There is a "JC discount" applied to his hitting. In his JC league its unlikely he is facing SEC/PCA10/ACC etc level pitching each game,  so the scouts are making a guess about his projectabilty at the plate, hence the "discount" and lower/lack interest.  If he were hitting 400 in the Pac10 with legit bat speed, he would garner more interest.  If a team(s) have an unexpressed interest in your son they will soon be inviting him to some predraft workouts.  My son was invited to several workouts in May for teams he never talked to or saw at games.

Originally Posted by That's Baseball:

I would agree to a point. Except for the change in the CBA and seeing kids leaving the D1 and D2 schools to play JUCO especially pitching.

I am not sure that I understand the above.  I agree with what CP has posted.

Could you please give a substantial reason, as to why he is being ignored, in your opinion? Size? Why do you or he think he should be given an opportunity to play proball?  Perhaps going off to a D1, if competitive, will help getting him recognized.

While many people think that going off to a JUCO rather than accept a scholarship at a 4 year program is better, because they think that they might  be drafted sooner is the right thing to do, usually if it not. 


I understand about not giving up, this years draft is still far away.


But FWIW, the minor leagues are so overcrowded with really good players, more than needed, it is very hard for an OF to get attention, pitchers, you can never have enough of, though at this time they are at a premium as well.

Last edited by TPM

Points taken TPM. But to your question as to why I feel as if he deserves an opportunity I will answer in this way. I am not an American Idol parent, I will never allow any of my kids to pursue something that I know in my heart they should not pursue because they don't have the talent to do so. I have a younger son that played as well but did not have the athleticism to play. I didn't outright tell him that this was not his area. I allowed him to continue in the game until he saw that was not where his talent lied. After he realized this, he started to pursue his area of talent and now we are in the final stages of publishing his book. So in my opinion as to why my son should get a shot at the next level is simple. Its the same as any other player or parent that wants the shot. I see that he has as much talent as those that have gotten the chance. My son would probably say that he deserves the chance because he has put in the work that every other player has put in. First getting the mental side of the game together and developing a baseball IQ to be smart in the game. Then hitting the weight room to get stronger, doing plyometrics and yoga to stay flexible to help avoid injury and then taking thousands upon thousands of reps in the cage as well as in the outfield.


It is a crowded situation at the professional level and we all know that it becomes a funnel as you go higher but that's what builds the character of some people. Why not go for it. Things of significance are only accomplished by a person that prepares themselves and take the risk to accomplish their dreams by accomplishing each goal that they set for themselves.

That's Baseball;

Do you know a pro scout? Can you ask the scout for a honest evaluation?

When a player requests this type of information, it can be done!!

In California at the JC's, I would estimate a great # of players with the same concerns.


There are no easy answers. The player knows, however there are 6 MLB players who I said would never "make it". Tell your son - do not give up!

"some one is watching for the little things - the 6th tool


"founder" of the Area Code games and Goodwill Series

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