I was out biking today when I came upon a high school game. I dropped the bike, leaned on the fence down the line and started watching. I didn't know anything about either team except they usually have competitive programs.
Both pitchers had decent high school velocity. I would guess 83-85. I asked the guy next to me if anyone on the field was a prospect to play college ball. He informed me one team's pitcher was in the mid 80's. The other hits 90. So obviously my next two questions are what year are they followed by where are they committed. The kid "throwing" 90 is a senior. The guy didn't know where he's committed. He asked the kid's mother.
The kid will be attending a mediocre D2 and has to walk on. I didn't go where I could have gone next with the conversation. I thought, "90 my ass!" More like 83" would have been a bit harsh.
It's amazing how many people don't have a clue about velocity and think they do. Plus from my experience everyone knows where the high school kid throwing 90 is committed.