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Just wanted to let you guys know that we haven't dropped of the face of the earth.
Our son is home after two years at a JC and is looking for work. He still has the dream of playing ball at the next level but after not being drafted again, it seems like a reach. I don't know what exactly happened. After the draft in 2003, we thought that his chances would be better after a couple of years of maturing. I suspect some things happened that we will never know about.
Anyway, Just wanted to say hey to you guys that I have talked to in the past and good luck with you in this great sport.

God bless and take care, Michael
"What is life, after all, but a challenge? And what better challenge can there be than the one between the pitcher and the hitter." Warren Spahn
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I may be up your way soon to scout JAX SUNS and would like to see what I can do. Have already made the trip several times from where I currently live in Vero Beach. It is very good to see you back here and look forward to conversing with you further. Never give up because you "never know what might just happen" Smile

Last edited by Shepster
Hello old friends?

Well I'm old for sure...most say I'm friendly...but we've never met in person or cyber wise so I'll wing a hearty hello your way...

I think you've already received some good advice regarding your son's fortunes. Remember that whatever benchmarks he acheived in the past still exist...they aren't erased.

Have him build on his past accomplishments and then work hard at getting him and his renewed abilities noticed...perhaps by fresh sets of eyes.

As a parent I can only imagine putting myself in your would be driving me nuts not knowing for certain what had happened over the past two years. Your seemingly calm approach speaks well for you...I'm sure you've been very supportive of your son...he needs that support to continue.

To find out just what happened may never happen, but still, it would be helpful to find out if those factors that may have been limiting your son were factors that he has control over or if they were beyond his control.

Obviously if they are factors of the type that he has control over then structure a plan to overcome these obstacles and move others have noted...he's young and has plenty of energy and enthusiasm.

If, on the otherhand, you have determined that the factors are totally out of your control then this presents an entirely different challenge...not unsurmountable...just more difficult. Other members on this site, who have a better understanding of the inner workings of baseball, would be helpful to your son in his quest to get noticed and back on the road to the top.

Nice meeting you Sark and much success to you and your son.

Hey, Sark --- great hearing from you! All my best to the family.

There are many things about the draft that are a mystery, but there are some back (and side) doors through the independent leagues, tryout camps, and the scouts that were involved in his being drafted before. He's a free agent now and has every reason to continue his dream.

One of Aeden's teammates just graduated from GSU, undrafted. LFer, occasional pitcher; and now he's signed with the Reds as a pitcher. As Joaquin Andujar said, "There's a word for it in English - youneverknow".

Your son is a quality pitcher --- and that's a valuable commodity. Go for it!
Nice to hear from a old friend...

Ol' Bullwinkle is currently rehabbing from a nasty wound that I recieved from the above websters son.

All I heard was...

"I love the smell of fried Moose in the morning!"

Bullwinkle awoke a week later missing one antler and my front right leg. Bullwinkle has been outfitted with a old and unused antler that I discarded last winter and a new prosthetic leg. The prosthetic is just a table leg, but it made from have very fine grade of pine. Very few knots!

Hope your summer is going well!
Last edited by Bullwinkle

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