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This year I was set to be the starting third baseman (im a sophomore) And im clearly better than anyone else on my team at that position. I missed 2 days from official practice because i was really sick. And i also didnt have my physical turned in but it was done. My coach tells me one day "Bobby, go over to JV, say hello to your new team" So now i believe i am on JV. What do I do? My Coach thinks im not responsible and intelligent enough to play varsity but i am! WHAT DO I DO!? Btw..My parents entire family is going to be very mad if i tell them im on JV because i told them i was already on varsity...and i was! HELP!!!!

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Sounds to me like "a day late & a dollar short" kind of thing.

Learn to have EVERYTHING turned in on time.
Learn to not "take anything for granted", (as in the first 3 letters of assume).
Learn to respect your Coach, teammates, and self.
Most important, learn to communicate to your parents what's going on in your life.

Unfortunate, but apparently you've given the Coach reason to believe your are JV material, not Var.
Tough lesson. I'm sure the Coach is hoping you now "get it".

About "the really sick" part...a call from a parent or a note, or something, may have helped.

Example: My son came home with a raging, blinding headache, dropped into bed. I felt his head.. he was burning up, called the Dr., and within 2 hrs. , he's quaratined in the hospital with menengitis. Missed a whole week of school, lost 13 lbs, all but unconscious for 2 1/2 days, IV'd to prevent dehydration. Now that was "really sick". Literally had no strength, but a 3 hr feeding schedule and working his rear off got him back on track within a month.
It's all relative...
If you want it bad enough, you've got to give the Coach a reason to change his mind.

Good luck, do more than your best to work your way back. You can do it!

I do not think that missing two days because of an illness is a valid reason for why you are not on varsity if it is true that you are clearly the best. I think you should chill out, work hard, and when its time for you to play varsity, the coach will tell you. That is why he is the coach. You say that you told your family that you were on varsity. What would make you think that ? Did the coach tell you that ?

I think you should just worry about what you can control.

Coach told me previously this year that i am going to start 3rd base for his varsity. Straight out like that. Ive missed previous days but for curtain reasons. Its because my coach thinks im not "intelligent" enough but i am! I think tomorrow im going to get out of class and go up to him and talk to him about it because the person that is playing 3rd base now..isnt a 3rd basemen (left fielder) and he can not hit. For the most part, im mostly scared of my parents because if i tell them i was dropped to JV then they will get MAD!!! EXTREMELY MAD! I think so... but i dunno, i just hope my coach will tell me to step it up and i will play varsity for him... hopefully...

Dont Try..
You Already Lost..
Is coach saying intelligent= grades??
If so, get those grades up! Go to tutorials, find a "study buddy"...
I don't think you ought to challenge the Coaches decision on the other player, or even mention his name in your talk. Focus only on YOU & what he wants YOU to do to improve. Then develop a plan & stick with it. Be accountable to him, maybe on a weekly basis for the next grading period.
In any case, keep the line of communication open with your folks...They may be as disappointed as you, but you are the one that is going to have to work this out.
Why would your parents be mad if you are on JV instead of Varsity ??????? I can see maybe how you could be dissapointed but your parents should just be there to support you, no matter what team you are on. You are only a sophmore and most sophmores are not ready mentally for the varsity level. I am just a little curious to why your parents would be so mad just because you are not on varsity. I can see them being "EXTREMELY MAD" if you made an F in geometry but baseball is baseball.

i think you may need to relax a bit. i am a sophomore also, but i am playing jv as well. this spring will be spent preparing and refining my skills. instead of worrying what team you play on, maybe have fun playing baseball at any level. Be thankful for what you have and that you have to opportunity to play. LEave the decisions to the coach.thanks

On this web site there is a checklist for making the team that offers some very wise advice. Items 16 & 21 on that check list I have quoted below because they seem very relevant to your situation.

16. Don't tell people what you are worth, prove it to them

21. It is your coach's opinion of you that counts. He makes out the lineup. Fail to understand this point and you will soon be out of the game
Bob15, i started JV last year and my parents are all for me playing varsity this year and my family will be disappointed if i "lost" my position because of something i did (which i dont know what it is)

BBFORLIFE, i understand that, honestly i do and ive been proving it to him more since the downfall.

Dont Try..
You Already Lost..
Yea, it's not hard to figure out what you did wrong. I mean, lets start with the not-handing-in-the-physical part and work towards the "I'm clearly better than anyone else on my team at that position" attitude. You need to realize that the previous advice is great: Don't tell people how good you are, prove it to them. and not handing in the form is just irresponsible and showing disrespect to the coach for not following the first rule he layed out for you, when to hand in the form.

NJ Pitch
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Im a soph on varsity playing 3rd base (back-up behind a sr.) I got to where i was by doing what my coach asked of me, not talking back, respecting all his desitions, and most of all hard work. Hard work shows the coach that you will make an effort to improve, if you have an "im the best' attitude you will find your self back on JV, even if your clearly the best player, theres always someone better then you, and you have to remember that. The #1 thing a coach is looking for is work ethic.

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